Article Video - Vermin Alert! All Hands On Deck! - Saturday, April 22, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Vermin Alert! All Hands On Deck! - Saturday, April 22, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

You have all either seen or heard about (probably) Ammon Bundy and the way the rats have continued to harass Ammon Bundy as they promote their attempts to steal his home and land.

You have seen these two short video clips and witnessed how the Vermin set someone up and then attack under False Pretenses and color of law, using your money and misusing your purloined authority and even your airwaves to do it.

It's time for the Silent Majority to speak.

Now the foreign State-of-State attorneys have gone to the self-interested State-of-State Supreme Court and filed motions to "compel" the Gem County Sheriff to--- in the words of Mouth of Evil Media Propagandists, "do his duty" and serve papers on Bundy,

The County Sheriff doesn't want to do it and begged off claiming that he was afraid of a confrontation between his Deputies (FBI scum) and Bundy as his excuse.

Sheriff Wonder needs to know that the State-of-State Supreme Court is self-serving and can't define what his "duty" is and also can't compel him to do anything. They are acting in a separate and foreign jurisdiction. The controlling case law is at the United States Supreme Court level and it was established in Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc.

Sheriffs get to follow their conscience and use their own discretion when to afford people their Constitutional Guarantees and when not to. There isn't anything that the franchise State-of-State Supreme Court can do about that, as it has already been decided "for" them and for Sheriff Wonder, too.

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