Is Grandmother Mulara Telling Australians the Truth or is she a Closet Commie?

1 year ago

22/9/23 It really concerns me that younger Australian aboriginal people are promoting the Communist Trojan Voice without understanding what communism really means, or how they are being used to push a nefarious agenda that is of no benefit to anyone except the powerful Luciferian few who are loyal to no-one.

The Trojan Voice is the sequel of Australia's 'Reds Under the Beds' nonsense and it only seems to be the 'city slicker' aboriginals who are pushing the agenda via prepared scripts. Spruiking communism must pay well but I would have thought our aboriginal people would be tired of genocide by now - including the COVID bioweapons that killed many esteemed elders within hours of taking the injection. The equally blind musicians and actors who are hastily being recruited to help along the destruction of Australia, appear to share the same ignorant view.

Communism means mass genocide, mass deprivation and mass suffering for survivors and has been 'reimagined' by the WEF psychopaths as Stakeholder Capitalism. Thankfully, more videos are now emerging from the true aboriginal elders who do NOT want to do business with communist, genocide addicted globalists, so that is a good sign.

However, Aboriginal Australia is also showing the world what a messed up, fractured culture they have become at the hands of equally ignorant 'we know better than you' colonialists and puppet governments. And many of the non aboriginal pro Trojan Voice Australians are showing the world how dumbed down they have become. As dumbed down as the perpetrators attempting to destroy the land down under and the infantile Australian media that is supporting them.

Fortunately, truth has a habit of winning - sometimes it crosses the line as the 11th hour but better late than never.

This 49 second video mirror my concerns about ignorant, misled, aboriginal communists.

18/9/23 "It is alleged that Grandmother Mullara is one of the many Aboriginal communists in this story who is deceiving people with her 'opinion'. I have asked for evidence to support this allegation. Otherwise, she does present well. I didn't realise that Australia had so many communists in politics. Communism is for dummies.
Notes from her video message

"Our old people, brothers and sisters in Aboriginal Lore of this country say walk with us into a new future, a new dreaming, where we might sit at the table and forge an agreement between us about how we may move into our future." Grandmother Mulara, initiated, Senior Lore Woman - holder of Grandmother Lore and Colonial Juris Doctor.

Grandmother Mulara states that when she studied 'manmade' law, she learned that parliamentary sovereignty is legal fiction, which means the constitution we are being asked to vote on in the Voice to Parliament referendum, is not the constitution of the founding fathers. It means that the original people will cede their sovereignty and parliament will have a greater say over them. Australians are not being told the truth.

Transcript Excerpts

Under Constitutional Law, there is such a thing as parliamentary sovereignty. In the founding constitution of Australia which was brought to this country by the British, and is not based on Natural Lore, it had no mention of parliamentary sovereignty or a prime minister.

In 1973, our constitution was changed by Gough Whitlam to a model of corporation and we didn't get to vote on it. Parliament became sovereign and a queen of Australia was invented, neither of which are legal truths.

The constitution we are being asked to vote on is actually the charter to the corporation which is the government. If we say Yes to the Voice to Parliament, we come onto this charter which is like a rule book for the corporation. It means that the original people of this country will cede their sovereignty which means parliament will have a greater say over them.

So I say to you, wake up Australia. All of us have not been told the truth. The old constitution and the old style of governance is not what we are voting for. They are tricking us when they say the original people of this country should be on the constitution. Indigenous people don't have legal personality under colonial law unless they are incorporated and we have a lot of issues around the corporatisation of our original peoples who are following the corporate model. We call them the Black Corporates or Corporate Blacks - the ones who are dealing with and getting billions of dollars in funding for Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait Islanders. However, it all goes into the Corporate Black model and does nothing for our own people on their own country and the real issues that they face every day. And just like the apology, which we welcomed, nothing has changed.

The Voice intends to put the original peoples’ sovereignty under parliament sovereignty, so that the parliament law - manmade law - rules Natural Lore, which simply cannot happen. Our old people, brothers and sisters in Aboriginal Lore of this country say walk with us into a new future, a new dreaming, where we might sit at the table and forge an agreement between us about how we may move into our future.

We cannot have this parliament, which is questionable, having any sovereignty over our original lore. Vote how you wish. We are being played upon. We are being played emotionally to vote according to wanting what is right for our original people. This isn't going to change anything.

Grandmother Mulara, Australia

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