Al Bielek recalls his 3-year friendship with Phil Schneider before he got "Suicided".

1 year ago

Al Bielek talks about his 3-year friendship with Phil Schneider before Phil was murdered/suicided as they met each other in early 1993 at a conference in Seattle.

Phil worked in the SKUNKWORKS as it is called. Phil told Al Bielek (who also claims to be part of the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment) that his father was part of the Philadelphia Experiment as he became a Captain in the US Navy Medical Core. It was just before his father Oscar died where he had confessed that he used to be a Captain for Hitler's U-boats and was captured. He was a master machinists by the time he was only 14 years old and later enlisted in the German Navy and eventually became a Captain of a U-boat (68 successful kills to his credit during WW2) but was captured by the France in 1940 and was given over to the US to become a captain in the US Navy. Born around 1905. Had told Phil they were Jewish and lived in the US but at the end of his life he confessed the truth about their roots (Nazi Germany). Al Bielek says he saw Oscar Schneider's "official US Navy record" showing he was born in 1905 in California and went to Berkley University then to Harvard University and then went through the ranks as a medical officer to become a Captain but the UNOFFICIAL version (IE the FACTS) are he was born in Germany, captured as a German U-Boat Captain and brought to the US (6 years before OPERATION "PAPERCLIP" came into being in 1946). Says Oscar Schneider was put in the Philadelphia Experiment immediately being brought to the USA.

Phil worked his way up as a young geologist until he got into NATO operations. Phil's salary was $500,000USD per year (1995) with NATO and $1 million retirement pension per year as he was an important person in this operation with high level clearances. What changed Phil's mind to walk out on all this was that he was invited to attend very classified United Nations meetings that are held in Deep Underground Military bases. The UN Building in NY is the same as the one they have underground. Said there were 7 foot tall GREY aliens at these meetings and they dictated the policies to the United Nations. After only 2 meetings like this Phil realized he was working for the wrong people and all 40 NATO geologists walked out on it leaving their cushy retirement pensions behind. Phil moved back to Portland Oregon to his apartment. Al Bielek urged Phil to go public with what he knows (Underground Bases) and Al Bielek got him out on the lecture circuit. It was early 1995 that Phil decided to go public. Phil's first PUBLIC lecture was on May 7th 1995 in Las Vegas Nevada and says the videotaping was a failure and next day on May 8th 1995 lecture was in Idaho and the videotaping was successful. Then the August 1995 lecture in Denver Colorado, September 1995 in Seattle Washington, and in November 1995 in Denver Colorado for another show and those were the last of the public series that were videotaped.

Al Bielek says the US never wanted Phil to go to Japan so these top Japanese officials of major corporations picked up Phil Schneider out of Vancouver BC Canada on a private jet and brought him to Japan to lecture on the Cobe Earthquake as they really wanted to know what he knew about it (1995). Says Phil was Murder/Suicided around January 10th 1996.

Al recollects a story Phil told him about going to AREA 51 and told not to look side to side and once he saw the person he had to see he asked him what is outside that he is not suppose to see and the person said it is a guest. A reptilian alien guest that would not talk to them. Al goes on to mention Admiral Byrds nephew.

Al Bielek was on Former LA FBI head Ted Gunderson's show after Phil Schneider's death where Al Bielek talked about the level of clearance you need like GEMSTONE clearance and one of Ted Gunderson's friends called in to say he worked at the NSA and there was no such clearance and they both began to argue until Al Bielek found himself CUT OFF AIR. Ted Gunderson later told Al Bielek that it was not him that cut him off the air but it was the program head that gave the orders to Ted Gunderson to cut Al Bielek off the air as he argued with this guy about gemstone clearances.

Al Bielek recalls another story that Phil told him that was BEFORE the August 1979 Dulce Wars saying they had bored a hole right into a hollow area so he got suited up to go down the hole on a seat/chair where he was lowered to investigate where looking around on the bottom inside this cavern he saw a reptilian alien reach out for his chest where Phil shot it with his 9MM luger pistol killing it and went to the surface to report what happened and the officials seemed to act like they knew this could possibly happen. Al explains to the host that the Dulce wars was different as it killed 66 people and they were boring down to an underground base that was originally a Government base which go handed over to the Aliens
Al says Phil took his oaths of Secrecy serious and for 2 years after leaving the government he didn't say much then he started to talk a bit at the Western Big Foot Club society he joined after quitting his job and did trial balloons to say a little here and there within this club. Says after he went public that many from the intelligence agencies paid him visits to get him to stop talking and wanted him back to his old job. After his trip to Japan he was visited by high level individuals at his apartment in Oregon where he was told he had done incalculable damage to the New World Order due to his lectures. It was that point onwards that they started the attempts on his life.

Al Bielek recalls that he received a phone call from Phil Schneider's ex-wife before another show was about to start as Phil was a scheduled speaker and was saying he should just videotape him telling EVERYTHING he knew about all of this saying he has only scratched the surface of what he knows saying he has only said 1% of what he really knows and he wanted to put it ALL on record. Al says he received a call from Phil ex-wife on February 10th (I think he meant to say January 10th) to tell him that Phil was found in his apartment in Portland Oregon dead where she originally believed he died of heart failure. Every 2 weeks some Jehovah Witnesses would stop by for a chat with Phil at his apartment until one day they saw his car parked but no one answered the door when they rang. They felt something was wrong so told the manager his car is there but he is not answering the door so the manager opened the apartment to see Phil's body decaying probably dead for days (It was estimated to be there for 4 days after his death). His legs were under his bed and his head and shoulders were propped up on a wheel chair and he was already bloated so they called the police etc.. and sent his body to the funeral home to get prepared for the funeral but it was at the funeral home where the caretaker realized there was a rubber tube wrapped around his neck 3 TIMES and knotted at the back. The tubing was in the skin so not visible from outside until you moved the skin away. With missing fingers, Al says Phil could not tie this knot at the back of his neck. The autopsy was not done by the county coroner but a local medic of Portland was brought in by the police dept. Al read the autopsy report (From Phils ex wife) and noticed they never did a BLOOD TEST or a URINE TEST and when they did a description of the various body parts and came to the penis they said nothing unusual or abnormal. Well that was the RED FLAG right there. Phil's ex-wife (Cynthia Drayton) told Al that as soon as she read that Phils penis was nothing unusual or abnoraml she immediately believed that this medic was either TOTALLY INCOMPETENT or it was not phils body. Phil had been looking to move up to Washington state to continue his research and restart the magazine but Phil had stitching in his penis as he had severe infection years before as they had to cut up his penis from end to end to remove the infection and then sew it up. This was NOT in the autopsy report for anyone who saw him naked getting out from a shower knew this. Phils exwife was not allowed to see the body but Phils brother and others were allowed to view the body and said it was Phils body. The doctor appointed as coroner ruled it a suicide which it most definitely was not says Al. Al Bielek came up later after the funeral and looked through Phils apartment where he saw Phils 4 draw filing cabinet with only an inch of papers in the middle of one of the drawers.
Al said all of Phils artifacts he had brought to his lectures were gone and Al said he held all of them in his own hands before. The pictures that Phil showed publically were still in his apartment.
Al Bielek mentions a book that gets into the life of Phil Schneider and his father Oscar Schneider and also his murder.

The Philadelphia Experiment Murder– by Alexandra Bruce (Author)

In 1996, conspiracy lecturer and ex-government employee Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment. Although it is against the law, the detective on the scene did not call the coroner and released the body to the morgue. To his surprise and dismay, the mortician discovered a murder weapon wrapped around the neck of the corpse. The former wife of Phil Schneider was outraged by these circumstances and sought to uncover the truth about her ex-husband's demise but was countered or tricked by the authorities at every step.

An investigation of this covered-up murder revealed astonishing information, the trail of which led back to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Before his assassination, Phil Schneider had lectured across the country and had released documents connecting his father to the U.S.S. Eldridge. Additionally, his father claimed to be a Nazi U-boat captain who, after being captured by the Allies, was recruited as a Senior Medical Officer to the crew of the U.S.S. Eldridge. More haunting was the discovery of gold bars with Nazi insignias in his father's possessions.

The Philadelphia Experiment Murder investigates these circumstances and uncovers a host of new characters, including Preston Nichols' boss from the Montauk Project. Besides exposing the murder of an innocent man, the effort to murder the truth is exposed which leads to an examination of the nature of insanity and its relationship to physics and the constructs of the physical universe itself. In the name of a martyred man, the quantum potential of mankind is opened to a new horizon.

Alexandra Bruce runs the website FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE as I have uploaded one of her videos in the past couple weeks.

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