Stand Up. Be Brave. Defend Humanity. (From Truth Justice @SpartaJustice)

1 year ago

Truth Justice @SpartaJustice on Twitter writes:

"WAR ON HUMANITY: Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Alex Azar, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Drosten, Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the DOD and others, declared war on humanity through a fraudulent pandemic to force inject the world with a lethal injection.

"They killed our loved ones, they tortured and beat humanity, they forced us apart to let our loved ones die alone on the basis of lies. They drew first blood through their bioweapons and injections they created before the pandemic which have now killed millions of innocent people worldwide. They declared a global war on humanity and now we must be brave and defend our lives and our freedom.

"They will not stop unless we forcibly stop them. We must rise together, we must be brave. In the end humanity will win. There may be blood spilled, but that is the case in every war against evil and oppression. You cannot fight against tyranny and evil with words alone. These murderers and criminals will stop only when we stop them. Life, humanity and freedom must be defended at all times even with our blood.

"They are planning future Pandemics, a World War, a financial collapse and many other global crimes until they reach their ultimate goal which is total world control of the remaining reduced populations. This is a real war, a war on humanity by a small group of people who must now understand their days of ruling our Earth are over."

Source Video:

See Also:

Pandemic Website

Plandemic 3: Prelaunch Party (September 16, 2022) & Movie Teaser

Teaser & Movie Trailer For Plandemic 3

Plandemic 3 - Movie Trailer

Plandemic With Dr. Judy Mikovitz & Dr. David Martin


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