Hidden Program | Dystopian Sci-Fi Full Film Series 4

1 year ago

Hidden Truth is the fourth ‘Dystopian Film' series by Zachary Denman with 13 short films put together into one film.

Part 1 - Digital ID: The Digital ID was introduced to create more control, collect data and monitor your everyday movement... Cassie is making sense of the insane reality that happened...

Part 2 - Social Credit System: The social credit system was their answer to a better system. Once the economy in all countries had become bankrupt, the social credit system was the perfect way to transfer from the old monetary system to their streamlined digital system...

Part 3 - New Age Deception: In a new age deception, people had been led to follow the light and completely ignore the darkness. But, by ignoring the darkness, it only made it more powerful.

Part 4 - Social Credit Score: The Social Credit Score was the new way to run the economy, a streamlined control system to create the new 21st-century citizen...

Part 5 - Energy Systems: Energy Systems controlled and dominated our planet, caging people into their existence. It allowed the few to manipulate the many into their trickery creating an Energy Crisis...

Part 6 - You Will Own Nothing: You will own nothing… but someone had to own it all and did they want to own us as well?

Part 7 - Zero Carbon: It started with the zero carbon policies to help cool the planet down... But eventually, human beings were completely regulated for their carbon usage through their smartphones and meters installed in their homes...

Part 8 - Telling You the Vision: Television was telling you the vision, the distorted version of the world…

Part 9 - Playground of Darkness: I am that in-between space, those lingering thoughts… I am the Playground of Darkness…

Part 10 - Metaverse: Metaverse was the next universe they wanted to create, the digital simulation that fully trapped human consciousness... can Jarah escape?

Part 11 - Cost Of Living: The Cost of Living Crisis was implemented to bring us down to our base needs of survival and security. But the truth cannot and will not ever, be ignored...

Part 12 - Digital Prison: We walked blindly into a Digital Prison... even those who implemented it, didn't understand where it led...

Part 13 - Project Blue Beam: No one believed Project Blue Beam could happen, but how else could they usher in their new world? The skies were full of holograms through the use of holographic technology...
🔗 All Credit To Zachary Denman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYxDZbdGhqY
🔗 Please Consider Supporting The Creator: https://www.patreon.com/zacharydenman
✳️ Watch - Hidden Truth | Dystopian Sci-Fi Film | Series 1 - HERE: https://rumble.com/v2f85ak-hidden-truth-dystopian-sci-fi-film-series-1.html

✳️ Watch - Hidden Agenda | Dystopian Sci-Fi Film | Series 2 - HERE: https://rumble.com/v2fb6yg-hidden-agenda-dystopian-sci-fi-film-series-2.html

✳️ Watch - Hidden Perspective | Dystopian Sci-Fi Film | Series 3 - HERE: https://rumble.com/v2fh8m0-hidden-perspective-dystopian-sci-fi-film-series-3.html

✳️ Watch - Hidden Program | Dystopian Sci-Fi Full Film Series 4 - HERE: https://rumble.com/v2fmjqa-hidden-program-dystopian-sci-fi-full-film-series-4.html
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