1 year ago

The China Bashing Campaign In The West Is A Dangerous Distraction Psyop

The reality is China is the Maestro of Grand Covid19 Orchestra that has been conducting the Grand Covid19 Symphony in which every nation state has been playing their “instruments” (a.k.a measures) according to each capacity, ability, and capability! You have seen such remarkable performance in Australia, New Zealand, Austria, New York USA, Singapore, Thailand!

All major nation states are on board in the grand scheme of restructuring the world order, in which freedoms, human rights such as right to privacy, to self-determination, freedom of choice etc..have become crimes against the State/Government and … the collective good, the public!

Since then, China Maestro has been praised and looked up to as “role model” by the West! This is a fact!

David Icke was right as he said "If you want to know what is planned for the West tomorrow, look at China today"

Who planned it" He did not say!

So, the question we must be asking is who is (are) the Composer(s) of such Grand Covid19 Symphony, which is the trigger of the main Grand Scheme of restructuring the world order? By the way, I have to remind you folks that it has been played so smoothly and successfully so far!

My argument and thesis are here in chronological order:

“COVID19, The Trigger: Total Control, Total Submission”

“COVID19: All The Dumbshit Goyim!”

“COVID19 Grand-Symphony: The Conductor”

“#ChiCom, The Covid19GrandSymphony Conductor!”

#Covid19GrandSymphony-Follow The Conductor: The Surveillance State Thrives During the Pandemic

“The Covid19 Grand Symphony and The New World Order”

"If You Don’t Believe Covid19 Exist, CHINA CHICOM Leading Covid Charge Again Will Convince” You It “does”… Somehow!"

I stand by my silly words. The world current situation i.e the circus and theatricality of Russia vs The USLed West War and its energy/food supply crises, the theatrical clownishness of Western demoCRAZY governments, all have vindicated my foolish thesis.

There will be no Nuke War. The psyop threat of Nuke War will be “defused” when the enslaving system of total control is firmly established (i.e digital IDs, vax passports, CBDCs, 20m city)

The Bastille without the Jacobin!

Well, it’s just my “senile anarchist moment!”
The last word is yours as always, folks!

I do understand that many people especially the “highly educated” ones would never agree with my thesis. Simply because they still believe that Government, especially the liberal demoCRAZY one, represents the people and “of the people, by the people, for the people “ whose priority and interests are to serve the will of the people, and would never dare to harm the people let alone planning to murder the people! Yeah! The clotshot is just “accident” or it’s the “WEF”, WHO. The UN, Bill gates, Fauci who did it!
I can see how “loyal” the people are in the Q movement! After all the years with everything in front of their own eyes, the “red people” still believe in the orange Jewish clown in tweets even many of these people who are not American and not even living in the USA ! They are Kangaroos, Kiwis, Dutch, Germans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, Philippines! While the “blue people” still believe in all the “libtard bullshit” despite all the lies and crimes of their “leaders”, even their current leader is obviously brain-dead! And the second in command (VPOTUS) is a retard!

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