Kerry Kassidy interviews Bill Wood on Project Looking Glass in 2012

1 year ago

This a small portion of the interview conducted with Bill Wood by Kerry Kassidy for Project Camelot that discusses Project Looking Glass that was done in January of 2012 (this version has translated subtitles in German). On telegram I found this shorter version on one of the channels I check their post daily. I believe the most remarkable and
profound statements made by Mr. Wood are contained in this
11 minute segment of the full interview.

The key message given by Mr. Wood during this interview are connected to his work and time with a secret black project known as Project Looking Glass, a high level technological device and portal, (most likely gifted to us by Galactic Beings which is able to view potential futures based upon the conditions and terms one sets. However, according to Mr. Wood, at the end of 2012, this device would only show one future, and one future alone for our world (and no matter what activities you tried to engage in to change this future, it had no effect upon what was going to happen) which he called an "Awakening Process" or others have called a "Great Awakening" for all of humanity.

I believe that Mr. Wood, within this video, describes exactly what is currently happening in our world and how the side of the "Light" (or God's Light) has already won this undeclared war we are living through right now with just a few things left to finish up. For myself, I felt totally overcome and exhilarated by everything Mr. Wood was saying. I am in complete alignment with him, word for word, as it corresponds exactly with what my guide and future self called rJis (from this lifetime in 2037-2040) has shown me and what I remember from my coma experience in the spring of 1991. That is when a van struck me and I projected out of my body etherically and was taken to attend a special meeting on an inner plane where our Galactic Family was discussing how to help
humanity. So I had brief glimpses in my mind of being shown the future, this timeframe today but I was not allowed to remember our future, I only know or sense what is true as it happens in my present.

To see the many other incredible interviews that Kerry Kassidy has done under the Project Camelot umbrella or special interviews by others done with Kerry herself, go to her website at:

To obtain the complete version of this interview please go to:
(or you can find it on Kerry's website too of course)

To read about my two special inner experiences that showed me humanity near peaceful future, you can receive our free e-book is called, "Messages from rJis", which shares many more details ... for your copy please feel free to email me at: with a subject of: The rJis Free Ebook

To learn more about our work with the Crystal Skulls and the various books plus crystal skulls we offer go to:

For the latest on-line news we share and that shares when Joshua is interviewed on a variety of on-line shows, these are posted on his facebook page, go to:
(also on facebook he has started a new message series discussing that
the real Truth about our history, our world and ourselves will be definitely revealed before the end of this year (2023). He will explain how he knows this future and what events have happened recently that show us, as Mr. Wood says, this undeclared war or conflict is coming to an end soon with Paradise coming to our Earth ...)

For all the videos we are posting on Rumble we offer three channels:
Crystal Skull Explorers:
Flat Earth:
The Center for the Adv. of Humanity:
(a number of great interviews)

We hope you enjoyed this video and the other ones on our channels as they will offer many new insights and food for thought why so many people are feeling a "New Heaven and Earth" is headed for our world very soon ...
To an amazing future with many changes coming soon - 2023 (and beyond) which will be like no year we have ever experienced and this is in a positive, uplifting, joyous and harmonious way

Joshua Shapiro
your crystal skull and paranormal explorer

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