EP. 37 | Magnificent Desolation - The Moon Landing Was a Hoax (Big 'Uns 3)

1 year ago

A surprisingly large number of people have their doubts about us landing on the moon, and they also have all sorts of "proof" as to why the whole thing is hooey. We'll look at some of the deniers' claims as well as a few of the big players in the moon hoax industry. This is a Big 'Un.

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02:09 - A brief overview of the Space Race, disbelievers abound
07:16 - It's Ra-diation -space is dangerous, solar flares, etc.
14:30 - Real is good, interesting is better - Kubrick done it
19:12 - A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words - so-called photographic "evidence"
19:53 - O say can you see (quality's too good, Armstrong's not holding a camera, crosshairs, the "C rock")
23:07 - By the dawn's early light (shadows are wrong or not parallel, multiple shadows)
24:32 - What so proudly we hail'd (no radio delay in recordings)
25:31 - At the twilight's last gleaming (no dust from modules, no blast craters)
26:37 - Whose broad stripes and bright stars (no stars in the sky, not enough moisture for footprints, no lander impression in dust)
29:39 - O'er the ramparts we watch'd (same backgrounds in different photos, the horizon)
31:03 - Were so gallantly streaming (too many pictures)
31:34 - And the rocket's red glare (no rocket flames, camera pans)
33:50 - The bomb bursting in air (lens flares)
34:25 - Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there (data is missing)
36:07 - O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave (the flag moves)
38:00 - O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? (Why not use the Hubble to show us stuff left behind?)
39:20 - A hunch, an intuition, a true conviction - Bill Kaysing starts it all (mostly), Bart Sibrel confronts Buzz Aldrin, Mythbusters, Moontruth and more
44:34 - X Minus One - The Soviets, Project A119
46:08 - Earthrise (NASA image AS08-14-2383)

Music by Fanette Ronjat

MORE VIDEOS ON THIS TOPIC (and other Big 'Uns):

More on this stuff:
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress CC episode https://youtu.be/78COU5I2S4k
The Space Race on history.com https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/space-race
New Survey https://www.satelliteinternet.com/resources/moon-landing-real-survey/
Apollo Hoax website https://www.apollohoax.net/forum/
Moon Base Clavius debunking website http://www.clavius.org/index.html
The Moon Hoax debunking comic by Darryl Cunningham https://darryl-cunningham.blogspot.com/2010/07/moon-hoax.html
How Stanley Kubrick Staged the Moon Landing on The Paris Review https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/07/18/how-stanley-kubrick-staged-the-moon-landing-and-other-stories/
Kubrick's Odyssey Secrets Hidden In The Films Of Stanley Kubrick by Jay Weidner https://archive.org/details/kubricks-odyssey-secrets-hidden-in-the-films-of-stanley-kubrick-2011
Stanley Kubrick’s Daughter Variety article https://variety.com/2016/film/news/stanley-kubrick-moon-landing-conspiracy-theory-addressed-daughter-vivian-1201809270/
Apollo landing footage would have been impossible to fake on PBS https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/apollo-landing-footage-would-have-been-impossible-to-fake-a-film-expert-explains-why
Apollo 11 Moon Landing: Photos From 50 Years Ago on The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2019/07/apollo-11-moon-landing-photos-50-years-ago/594448/
Thread: Wayne Green - the (until now) unknown Moon Hoax author https://forum.cosmoquest.org/showthread.php?1542-Wayne-Green-the-(until-now)-unknown-Moon-Hoax-author
We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing https://www.amazon.com/We-Never-Went-Moon-Americas/dp/1545393575
‘I don’t believe it’ - The psychology behind moon landing conspiracy theories https://www.sunderland.ac.uk/more/news/story/i-dont-believe-it-the-psychology-behind-moon-landing-conspiracy-theories--1065
Moontruth https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Moontruth.com
The Soviet Response to the Moon Landing? Denial There Was a Moon Race at All. https://www.history.com/news/space-race-soviet-union-moon-landing-denial
Why the Air Force Almost Blasted the Moon with an H-Bomb https://www.history.com/news/nuclear-bomb-moon-cold-war-plan
Earthrise photo at NASA https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/apollo-8-earthrise
We saw Earth rise over the moon in 1968. It changed everything.

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