Ranking The Best/Worst Star Trek Series | TNG to Picard

1 year ago

In addition to loving modern and retro video games, I've been a fan of Star Trek since I first watched Wrath of Khan. Having watched all the past and current series, and with Star Trek: Picard about ready to kick off it's final season, I put together a list of some of my favorite, and least favorite, entries to the series.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
While I came of age when the Original Series movies were being produced, TNG was "My Star Trek". I loved the look of the ship (I've never been a fan of the Constitution Class), the stories were better, the special effects were amazing, and once Season 3 hit, it became amazing. Once Rick Berman took over from Gene Roddenberry, the series finally hit it's stride and became amazing.

Star Trek: Voyager
I do enjoy Voyager, overall, but I think this series left a lot on the table. After the first handfull of episodes the dynamic between the former Maquee crew and Star Fleet Crew was just dropped. It's unfortunate because it could have made for great tension and storytelling. I thought Janeway was a decent, if not flawed, Captain, and Chakotay was a great 1st officer. But poor Harry Kim, left an Ensign, returned home an Ensign. What gives? Even Paris got demoted and re-promoted!

Star Trek: Picard
This one hurts, but Season 8 of TNG Picard is not. We went from a very thoughtful, calculating, deliberate and logical character to a brash action hero who drops F-Bombs! The first season was an unmitigated mess, and season 2 wasn't much better. Season 3 is bringing the TNG Cast back togther, but even this looks to be more of the same. Worf being a pasifist? WTF?!?

Star Trek: Enterprise
For a show that didn't have Star Trek in the title until later in its run, Enterprise was set before Kirk and Spock and had so much promise. The first 2 seasons, much like others, were very weak, but there were highlights. Carbon Creek and Regeneration were 2 of the best episodes, not just of Enterprise, but of the series. Season 3's Xindi arc was the best the show would get, as Season 4 had to tie up many loose ends. Unfortunately, Enterprise also has the worst series finale of any Trek series, and they deserved much better.

Star Trek: Discovery
Whoa boy, this is a hot mess for me. There's so much potential in the first new series since Enterprise was cancelled and Discovery just wastes it. First of all, the concept of the Tartigrade was stolen from another creator, the lead character is unlikeable, and the stories are simply not good. Discovery seems to be from the Rian Johnson/JJ Abrams vein of subverting expectations, but in the end it's a story and cast that is unwatchable.

Star Trek: Lower Decks
I've frequently called Lower Decks "Lower Standards" as I find the show simply garbage. I know, I know, it's meant to be a comedy, but comedies are supposed to be funny! This is perhaps my least favorite series of Trek, even with the call backs and memberberries. I've never watched Rick & Morty either, so maybe that's part of it. But to me Lower Decks is unfunny and unwatchable.

Star Trek: Deep Space 9
THIS! This is what Star Trek is to me! In my opinion it has the best cast out of any of the series, the best Captain, the best Ship, the Best Stories, it felt grounded in reality, it is everything amazing about the franchise. The First 2 Seasons, much like other series, struggled. But once the Defiant arrived, Sisko got the goatee and shaved his head, this series became amazing. I love everything about DS9, it is the best Star Trek series of all time, and what I recommend everyone watch.

Do you watch Star Trek? If so what are your favorite series?

#Shorts #StarTrek #BestStarTrek #TNG #TheNextGeneration #DS9 #DeepSpace9 #ussenterprise #1701 #USSDefiant #USSVoyager #USSDiscovery #Picard #LowerDecks #BestCaptain #LiveLongAndProsper #NX01

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