The antichrist beast world is being set up and WW3 is here

1 year ago

WW3 is here and the Holy Spirit and bride are holding Satan back but once the trumpet sounds million's of true believers will just be gone and all the babies and toddlers to, thousands of people will just be gone because we are not going through the tribulation period at all, but all the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors will all be left behind, they are not ready for Jesus at all and He will not take anyone who is not ready for Him at all in the wedding, you have to wear His garments which is the Holy Spirit, if not you will not enter heaven at all or be taken, the left behind lukewarm phony church crowd and pastors will have to find Jesus by themselves in a very hostile world that will be controlled by the antichrist, he will destroy all the churches, Bibles and has no need for that at all, it will be his one world government and religion and the Catholic whore church is part of it, pope Francis is the false prophet!! Only way out of the tribulation period is to be killed for not worshipping the antichrist or getting his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, those who got the vaccines are lost forever and proud of it to, they are boasting so much and will curse God when He pours out His tribulation judgements on them all, the 7 Bowl judgements are for those who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, that includes all the so called pastors and church people who got the vaccines, Dr, nurse's, dumb parents who got it and forced their kids to get it, everyone who got it will suffer from the 7 Bowl judgements being poured out, they will go after those who do not worship the antichrist and kill them, stores are set up for the new world order, Walmart has self checkout now and no cash, Sam club has self checkout and pay on your phone and no cash, whole foods has a thing you scan and if you do not have a vaccine sorry you can't enter at all, Colorado has no cash now, there will be no cash in the tribulation period at all, banks will fail after the rapture happens and all the rich people will loose it and many will kill themselves, America will be destroyed completely, China is already spying on America and that is what the enemy does before they attack, they see where to attack and then they attack, like the Japanese did at Pearl harbor, they surprised attacked and came all at once, that is what will happen, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea will attack all at once and America will be alone and no one will come to our aid at all, the Chinese, Russians, north Koreans will kill anyone they see and will take prisoners of war and will not be nice about it, California, Oregon and Washington will be destroyed by a huge earthquake and no one will escape at all, NYC will get hit by a nuclear bomb and a huge tsnsumi that will hit at the same time, the east coast will get hit by a huge tsnsumi to, America will be a black hole and those left behind in America will be dead or killed by the Chinese, Russians, north Koreans or taken prisoners, they will not be nice at all, war with Israel will break out to, the 7 year tribulation will be hell on earth and God will be pouring out His tribulation judgements on the entire world!! The wicked will pay and I will not bow down to blacks at all riding around like Haman, Jesus is coming to get His bride and will just show up!! He needs no date at all, He will just sound the trumpet and the church age will end and the Holy Spirit and all true believers will be gone from this cursed wicked world so the antichrist can rule for 7 years long and God can unleash His tribulation judgements and anger on the entire world and it will not end until the 7 year tribulation is over and all the wicked will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire, God will not be playing anymore games in the tribulation period, He has had enough

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