Genesis | Pt. 32 Jacob Faces Esau

1 year ago

Genesis 32:3-16
Jacob wants to reconcile and notice he takes on the humble position as servant and gives a gift
Jacob is VERY afraid though
Genesis 33:1-11
Reconciliation is quite interesting if you think about it
How did Esau go from wanting to kill Jacob to embracing Jacob?
Reconciliation is a beautiful thing
Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God."
Paul said that those who have been reconciled with God are called to be ministers of reconciliation
Reconciliation is all about restoring that which has been broken
In life offenses are going to occur
The question then becomes what are you going to do with those offenses?
It's hard to love God if you treat people like garbage because you're offended
Can I challenge us today? I want to take us somewhere that might seem uncomfortable
God is working this in my life and it's beyond uncomfortable
Matthew 5
Matthew 5:21-22
Raca sounds like a cuss word
"You fool" would be considered polite in some the times of intense fellowship that Kendra and I have had yet Jesus says this is a big issue
Anger in your heart not only puts you in danger of the fire of hell but also creates a living hell in your life
Anger is birthed through offense
Have you noticed we live in a culture of offenses
Everybody is offended and everybody is mad at somebody
People are so easily offended (meme)
Ironic that Christians are the most easily offended
Watch this: the enemy uses offense to destroy what God wants us to build
God wants us to build a marriage, build a family, build a church
Enemy will use offense to destroy a marriage, family and church
The devil has one goal = destruction
Sermon = Offense - Division - Destruction
He will use the littlest things (he doesn't come with division or destruction but he comes with offense)
Solomon said, "The little foxes spoil the vineyard"
Small offenses lead to big problems
The closer the relationship the greater the opportunity intimacy or offense
Nobody can hurt you like someone you love
The people you love and who love you will hurt and you will hurt them
What do you do about that? End your friendship? End your marriage?
Look at what Jesus says in Matthew 5:23-24
How many people today came to worship yet have refused to reconcile with another brother or sister?
We come try and worship God while holding onto being offended
Jesus is saying here, "You cannot properly connect with God unless you make it right with people"
Jacob went to make it right with Esau
Enemy wants to destroy you and your relationships
Every relationship takes effort to build
Jenga set & Married couple
Build harmony
Unmet expectations in the relationship
Family events are important to Kendra
Kendra = calm and steady (loved in dating) (does she even care? while married)
Before marriage opposites attract, after marriage opposites attack
What is marriage? God takes the 2 and makes 1 (remember the potatoes)
Jesus said what God has joined together let no one separate; God hates divorce because it's epitome of destruction
God takes the 2 and makes 1; the enemy tries to take the 1 and make 2 again
How does the enemy take the 1 and make 2? Little offenses
He didn't take the trash out (jenga piece)
She spent too much even though it was on sale (jenga piece)
He left the toilet seat up (jenga piece)
She did not acknowledge how good his sermon was after church that he put 20 hours of blood, sweat and tears (sorry for projecting)
Jesus says, "You cannot properly connect with me while you hold onto this stuff)
In our refusal to let go we get weighted down
Everything will eventually collapse
Harmony - Offense - Division - Destruction (white board)
How To Build Back?
How do we build back? Can we build back? Yes it is called reconciliation
Forgiveness takes 1 but reconciliation takes 2
To build back humility is starting point
Jacob humbled himself and took position as servant with a gift
Humility will bring about unity and unity will produce restoration which will lead back to harmony
Pride holds on to the offense
Offense is inevitable; holding onto being offended is a decision
James says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble"
Christ showed us how to reconcile; He reconciled us with God
How did Jesus do it?
Philippians 2:5-7 says, " In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness."
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples
Jesus refused to be offended
If God has dropped the charges against us the least we can do is drop the charges we have against others
Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free
Forgiven people are forgiving people
Today it is time to shake some things off
Donkey Story

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