Paedophile Cardinal George Pell Victoria Police Arrest Interview

1 year ago

This is a 9 minute excerpt of Cardinal George Pells Victoria Police interview after his arrest for sexual assault of a child.

WARNING: The content you will hear is psychologically distressing.

In February 2016, detectives from Victoria Police via Sano Taskforce began investigating child sexual abuse allegations against Cardinal George Pell. Sano Taskforce alleged Cardinal Pell committed multiple offences and sexually abused five to 10 boys between 1979 and 2001 and he is charged on 29th June 2017.

Pell was found guilty on all charges, however chief judge in the case, Peter Kidd who is part of Australia paedophile protection racket only sentenced him to 6 years whilst the maximum penalty is 50 years in prison despite saying in his judgement “I would characterize these breaches and abuses as grave,” Speaking directly to Cardinal Pell, he added: “Your conduct was permeated by staggering arrogance.”

It is further imperative to note that the former Prime Ministers of Australia John Howard and Tony Abbott wrote character references for George Pell is complete support of him and they still support him to this day.

George Pell only spent 13 months of his 6 year sentence (which included 5 months in solitary confinement to protect him from other inmates) before the high court of Australia overturned his conviction in April 2020 with pressure from John Howard and Tony Abbott. Pell left Barwon prison to an awaiting stretch limousine that took him to an airport where he boarded a private jet back to Rome to be with the Pope and all the other Satanic paedophiles.

Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison is also a paedophile and he wears a tracking bracelet on his left ankle. During the Australian bushfires where he attempts to molest a firefighters hand the bracelet can be seen. Either that or he likes to carry a packet of smokes in his socks during a raging inferno. This photo as since been scrubbed from the internet and why you will never see any photograph of Scott Morrison below his left knee.

Further, if you ever needed any logical proof as to whether any of this is true and whether pedophiles actually run this country think about this... A convicted pedophile of the highest order only gets 6 years out of a maximum 50 year sentence and released after 13 months. There is currently a 99 year suppression order in place protecting the identity of 28 pedophiles including a Prime Minister (who actually is Paul Keating) that these includes judges and police. The Aussie Cossack was recently arrested and placed in solitary confinement for naming one pedophile because the Australian Government said he was "a threat to national security". So if naming a pedophile that the public is not allowed to know about is a threat to national security and where these people get less jail time than robbery, this tells you everything that you need to know to who runs Australia and what is actually important to the government.

Here are further details of George Pell's timeline:

AUGUST 15, 2018 - Cardinal Pell stands trial Cardinal Pell’s first trial begins in the County Court on August 15. He faced five charges of historical sexual assault of two 13-year-old choirboys. He continues to plead not guilty to all five charges.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 - The jury presiding over the first trial is discharged after they were unable to come to a verdict after five days of deliberations. A retrial begins on November 7, with Cardinal Pell continuing to plead not guilty to all charges.

DECEMBER 11, 2018: Pell found guilty
Cardinal Pell is found guilty of five charges of sexual assault. Australian media are prohibited from reporting on the verdict until February 26 due to a suppression order; however, the news was reported widely overseas.

FEBRUARY 2019: Appeal launched
Pre-sentencing hearings begin on February 27, with the Cardinal remanded into custody on the same day. Prior to this he had been on bail. Cardinal Pell’s legal team launch an appeal on the same day.

MARCH 2019: Pell sentenced
Cardinal Pell is handed a six-year jail sentence, with a non-parole period of three years and eight months. He is also required to sign the sex offenders register.

AUGUST 21, 2019: Pell’s first appeal fails
The Victorian Court of Appeal rejects Cardinal Pell’s appeal and upholds his convictions for historical child sex abuse with a two to one majority. Weeks later on September 17, his legal team announces it will be appealing to the High Court. The application is made on November 13.

MARCH, 2020: Pell’s appeal reaches High Court
Cardinal Pell’s appeal is heard in the High Court on March 11. On April 7, 2020, Australia’s most powerful court quashes his convictions. Cardinal Pell is released from Barwon prison in Melbourne.


If you would like to know more about the extent of the network of pedophiles in government, law enforcement and the court system who protect each other such as George Pell it is imperative that you read the following book:

"Australia's Paedophile Protection Racket", by Shane Dowling

'Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on the 3rd of September 2019 that 28% of paedophiles convicted of federal laws do not go to jail so the government is introducing mandatory sentencing laws. By June 2020 when the new laws were passed by the government it had risen to 39%. The minimum inference that can be drawn is that Australian judges and magistrates are running a paedophile protection racket otherwise they would be doing their jobs and jailing the convicted pedophiles.

Two examples are firstly, Judge John North gave a confessed paedophile who abused two young girls a suspended sentence due to the paedophile suffering high cholesterol, sleeping problems, having had no sex education and then protected his identity with a suppression order in November 2017.

And secondly, convicted paedophile Robert Crick who sexually abused his 5-year-old grandson avoided jail in May 2020 after the Court of Appeal in NSW felt sorry for him because of his claimed health issues and they were worried he might catch the Coronavirus in jail.

The book follows journalist Shane Dowling, who specialises in judicial and government corruption, as he cuts too close with his reporting by naming 15 judges, 2 registrars and 1 magistrate as either known paedophiles or suspected paedophiles in an email sent to all the judges of the Supreme Court of NSW and relevant authorities.

The documented evidence shows Chief Justice Tom Bathurst abusing his position and ordering court staff to stitch Shane Dowling up for 2 jail sentences, and are trying for a third, but they still can't stop Shane Dowling exercising his right to political communication and free speech which is the real danger to the likes of Bathurst and Co.

In the same email Shane Dowling also raised the $2.2 million mafia bribe to NSW judges reported by the ABC and Fairfax Media in 2015 which Justice David Davies confirmed was true in a discussion with Shane Dowling in the Supreme Court of NSW on the 30th November 2015. Shane Dowling reported at the time:

"Justice Davies said the bribe took place "30 or 40 years ago" in a clear attempt to downplay it as old news. I responded with words to the effect "it didn't happen that long ago as one of the judges has only recently retired and there are other judges still on the bench". Justice Davies then sat there like a stunned mullet and said nothing."


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