reacting to the world outta time+ag reads Wisdom of Solomon

1 year ago

always got shit on my face and i never notice it til later (if i happen to run into a mirror)
most women are mindful of physical appearance
they never tell me what they want probably cos they dunno
we have full conversations
i hope they enjoy this place more than the last place where they were
will i transform into an actual cat eventually
i forget a lot
i accept my condition, most americans reject and take the advice of the world
fuck that and motherfuck them
they insist that everybody do it like this
internalized audience, everybody's got it
gotta just trust the process is all
one of the few appeals: pretend it's another era
we'll see what chu are by what chu make of me
bottom feeder, like shellfish
but shrimp is expensive amy
jews love the finer things that's why they run things
follow the $, it's not funny that you don't care about the truth
if they go online n rant maybe sumin will be done
i've always lived my life somewhere else
they'll never find what they're lookin for
it's all in yer head, everything is really
so very sad that people are so insecure they forget that God's the cure
this world expects and projects
i really dunno what would work aside from reading the Bible
the artist must be on the outside
if you're one of the few in cluster B that gives enough of a fuck
tride and true reactionary
social networking is satanic
imma stay stubborn due to hatred of evil
this is a hard copy of the Orthodox study Bible and it's already getting torn apart
the KJV is upstairs, i don't feel like walking up there
imma pretend to be lauren pritchard, space mama
if i feel like reading the footnotes...
Bible genius, i dunno about that one
you dunno me, GOD KNOWS ME
dishonest reasoning separates people from God
when His power examines someone it convicts the undiscerning
you never have to do anything you don't wanna do
that's the ego right there...believing only in what's tangible
no point in arguing w/ secular people
Spiritual people vs. unspiritual people
they're not conscious of the Spiritual realm so they are easily duped by the system
don't be angry that they can't see what you can see
they're gonna accuse you of having undiagnosed schizophrenia
gonna read the footnotes just for fun
seek and you will find, says Jesus (Matthew 7:7)
hoping to reach the bottom feeders
the passage i was referring to WAS in first Corinthians haha
i turned off my conscience via vodka
yelling and flaying conscience finally shut up
satan's grandchild when drunk
the reason why i'm still anti-pc when it comes to my religion
paul was a chameleon, yours truly is naturally good at this sorta thing anyway
no shit you won't be able to find it, the Bible is pretty big
Paul didn't actually say this, that is ag's reasoning of why he declared that
*For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.
...and this right here is where the whole 12 step program screws up cos of the authority of sponsorship
you are more likely to help people if you level with em
i often talk about first Corinth chpt 8 cos it's all about idol worship
some people don't idolize the phones and technology in general but most do
the smartphones have proven that it's over, that's all folks
what a boring ass person (internalized thoughts every day)
what if it's everybody else that is suuuuuper interesting and it's you, ag, that is suuuuuuper boring
all these people are just as interesting as joe rogan...back to that s*o*b
keep dunkin on that mf, slam dunk w/ him
go back to what you were reading before...Wisdom of Solomon now we're on chapter 2
***i get so excited about the Gospel, yawl
becuz the Spirit of the Lord fills the world and He who holds all things together knows what is said (so true!)
sari anytime i hear sumin profound i have to stop n think about it (i usually end up talking to myself about it for awhile and get sidetracked, that's why it takes me so long to do things)
and this kinda stresses why social networks are terrible...
social media just enables people to self-destruct without even realizing
at least we know that we run into stuff w/ our car
quite the drinking problem back in the day
shadow self obviously embraced
i ain't afraid of me anymore
i did sumin that most humans are terrified of...looked into myself and what i didn't like about me was capitalized on thru alcohol and terrible behavior
let's explore that shit...myself to myself in relation to my shadow ag
interesting to self-destruct, yee mfing ha
we let it all hang out
my life was a tv show i guess it is now too haha
God has different footage from that black out period
my awareness comes from God, so easy for Satan to fuck w/ me
i don't have depression from myself anymore
God got me thru that cos He knew that we'd work over time for Him
i didn't even want Him to save that life but here we are
grateful that i didn't commit suicide like everybody would have expected
definitely a possibility to die of alcohol poisoining
this video on my camcorder always cuts out at like 32 min and 26 sec

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