NLP Coaching | 3 day Modern Hypnosis Rapid Induction

1 year ago
448 NLP Coaching | The Tad James Co.

This is a demonstration of Hypnosis.
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Now, you can learn the latest hypnosis techniques and receive your Hypnosis Certification by attending the accelerated weekend program presented by The Tad James Co, and approved by the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating change in certain repetitive behaviors including smoking and weight loss, stress reduction, motivation and pain control. Our accelerated weekend hypnosis training course is excellent for anyone who wants to learn hypnotherapy with a maximum of "hands-on" experience. Over the course of our training you will be guided through the Basic Hypnotherapist training by one of our top instructors, using "hands-on" practice, lectures, and discussion.

You will find that you can use hypnosis successfully after only one weekend.

If you want to receive your hypnotherapy certification, you can by simple completing a written test at home, and at your own speed. If you have any questions, you can always call us.

Why Attend This accelerated Hypnosis Training:

If you have taken other Hypnotherapy training, you will probably find this easier to learn than most. The reason being that we lay the course out logically, making it easy to learn by building on your success over the course of the training. You won't have to watch long, boring videos of someone else doing Hypnosis -- YOU WILL SEE IT LIVE AND YOU WILL DO IT. You can learn it easily.


All of our trainers are certified hypnosis trainers as well as being either Certified Trainers of NLP or Master Trainers of NLP. Over the past 25 years we have taught thousands of students to become Hypnotherapists. Furthermore this training is designed to be simple to learn and easy to master.


If you are a parent, you will find that this is an eye-opener. If you are a therapist, you will wonder why you did not learn this earlier. If you are a health-care professional you will find that your practice goes more easily and smoothly. AND "IF" you are just interested in Hypnosis, you will love this weekend training


In the offices, we have highly qualified personnel who are on hand daily to support you in getting the results you want. You can just call any time. The Tad James Company has been teaching our graduates Hypnotherapy since 1982 (first as the American Institute of Hypnotherapy). No other group has taught more students or created a wider network of support than we have.

During the Hypnosis Training, You'll Learn Effective Hypnosis Techniques to:

Change Your Life and Assist Others to Change Theirs
Create Effective Suggestions to Use In Hypnosis
Create Powerful Motivation for Change
Stop Overeating
Stop Smoking
Eliminate Stress
Record Onto CD or Digital Audio
Use Hypnosis Legally and Ethically to Create Change

Your Curriculum Includes:
Mostly Hands-On Practice right from the start
Learn by Practice Not From Watching DVD's
Supervision by an Experienced Hypnotherapist and Certified Trainer

Interviewing Techniques to Determine the Suggestions Necessary for Best Result
Suggestibility Testing
Post Hypnotic Suggestions
Deepening Techniques
Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

CERTIFICATION IN BASIC HYPNOTHERAPY Upon successful completion of your training, you will have the option of applying for Certification through the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH). Certification is currently US$120 per year and gives you the backing of an internationally recognized Certification Board.

To know more about NLP and Tad James Co, visit these websites:

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