'Drop and Roll' - How US Elections are Stolen. It Worked Once in 2020 , Why Not in 2022?

1 year ago

It Worked Once, Why Not Twice? Here Are Five Ways Democrats are Cheating and Stealing the 2022 Election Like they Did in 2020

What to do?

1 Election Day instead of Election Week
2 Paper Ballots Only
3 Voting in Person with your Passport in Hand Only

That would do

2022 Midterm Action List - SEVEN STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTIONS From Fraud https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/2022-midterm-action-list-seven-steps-can-take-save-election-fraud/

No Country for White Men

Not good:
-1 in 6 Hiring Managers Have Been Told to Stop Hiring White Men
-52% of Hiring Managers Believe Their Company Practices “Reverse Discrimination” in Hiring
-Large majority has passed on qualified applicants because they are not diverse enough


Dr. Roberts: Another Stolen Election

Dr. Roberts: Stolen Election Update. “Mysterious Sharp Upward Readjustment of the Count for Democratic Candidates” Fair Elections in Blue States Are Not Possible

The 2022 Midterm – Yet Another Steal?


THE STEAL: It Happened Again - Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear Hours After Being Reported https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/steal-happened-votes-third-party-candidate-disappear-hours-reported/

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THE STEAL: The Number of House Seats Continues to Dwindle As GOP Leaders Again Allow This to Happen https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/steal-number-house-seats-continues-dwindle-gop-leaders-allow-occur/

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BRAZIL UPDATE - Massive Gatherings Continue as People Protest the Socialists Stealing Their Election, Livelihoods, Freedom and Country https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/brazil-update-massive-gatherings-continue-people-protest-socialists-stealing-election-livelihoods-freedom-country/

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