10 Ideas to END WORLD HUNGER - Part 1

1 year ago

10 Ideas to END WORLD HUNGER - Part 1

1) Governments of the world decide to End World Hunger no matter the cost.
The governments have already decided to do this at the United Nations in 2015, called Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
But I do not trust governments because I've never seen a uncorrupt government with uncorrupt politicians running them.
Its a very sad reality of this world.
These Goals were voted on and passed 7 years ago but there are still almost 1 billion people who are food insecure.

2) the richest billionaires decide to give 90% of there wealth to End world Hunger. We will all die one day, what's the point of dyeing with $100 billion in your bank account?

3) The banks of the world decides to End World Hunger. The world banking industry controls all the worlds wealth, this goal can defiantly be achieved.

4) WORLDWIDE decision to 10x the amount of food we currently produce. Every single person should have food growing in there backyards if they can, not some stupid landscaping that costs $30,000.
Americans got so brainwashed into Materialism that its the only thing most Americans think about. I 100% agree with working hard in life, but for what? a million dollar house and a new $80,000 truck.
How about we work hard to provide for ourselves and our families and help other people who are starving if we are able to do so.

5) Actually talk about it on the news everyday, this is a humanitarian crisis. I was 28 when i first learned millions of children starve to death every year on the other side
of the world. No one told me.
How can the news not report on millions and millions starving to death each year?
If only I had discovered the purpose of my life sooner, which is be a soldier in the fight to End World Hunger, I could have made a real impact on this humanitarian crisis.

6) Churches around the world need to send food and fight to End World Hunger. I have been going to churches in America for 30 years and I've never heard about how millions of people are starving to death.
I would have the greatest respect for a church who actually got together and spent all the tithing donations on food for starving people in a part of the world like Ethiopia where there is
a terrible drought and they have no chance of growing enough food to feed themselves or their livestock. I've personally seen a pastor drive a 100k car and live in a $2 million Mansion, its truly disgusting.
To me its like stealing Gods money and spiting in His face, that's just my opinion.

7) No more wasted food, currently 1/3rd of worlds food is wasted

8) schools worldwide give FREE breakfasts and lunch to kids paid for by government.
what could be more important than making sure every child eats everyday?
Tax dollars fund governments, so its not to much to ask that the governments provide food for the children everyday.
Every government should do this simple idea. What could be more important than making sure our kids dont go hungry and the next generation is physically and mentally strong?

9) Educate humanity on best scientific way to grow crops as fast as possible inside and outside.
everyone on this planet should be growing food and raising livestock.

10) change the minds of all people to care about people starving to death, instead of worthless expensive material possessions. Reject Materialism and embrace humanitarianism

Please comment down below any idea you have to End World Hunger, no matter how small. Please help in the fight to End World Hunger.

Feed The Starving Children Organization

-How YOU can send food directly to a Orphanage:
Easy 1-2-3 Step System:
1) Find a Orphanage in a poor part of the world.
2) Find a Local Grocery Store or Food Wholesaler that can deliver to the orphanage.
3) Place the order & have it delivered!

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