The border crisis is just Biden's big voter drive...😡

1 year ago

Throughout the years the political pendulum has swung further and further apart as politicians on the right seem to favor a closed border and heavy ICE enforcement and the politicians on the left favor ICE abolishment and an open border.

For those of us at home it’s hard to differentiate between political rhetoric and base pandering versus actual border and immigration policy.

It's been especially difficult in the last two years coming from Trump’s extremely pro-border security and wall policy to what seems to be an open border with hardly any policy at all.

Critics of the Biden administration have made his border policy or lack thereof a main point in their disappointing reviews of Biden’s performance.

When we examine the current situation, it forces us to pose the question - why is nothing being said or done with the current situation at the border?

Polling data shows that the majority of American’s list border security as a
top concern, and the media covers the current crisis multiple times a day and still we have heard no specifics on the current border policy, the goals of the administration, and the long-term solution.

Other than burying their head in the sand and pretending it’s not happening, why else would the political elites in Washington be holding the border cards so close to the vest?

The most obvious answer is that the motivation for the current policy has nothing to do with national security, the economy, and crime and more about politics. By scrutinizing the current open border policy and the current administrations sweeping amnesty agenda we can surmise that the flood of illegal immigrants is merely a voter drive.

By allowing hundreds of thousands of new illegal residents into the country, then proposing amnesty could future proof any politician or party. The current white house immigration plan, which we heard on the campaign trail, includes no time frame for entry or stay in the country.

Additionally, almost all requirements other than proof of tax payments and clear criminal records have been removed, making it the largest amnesty proposal yet.

According to the most recent data from Pew Research, the current trend of typically democrat voters in the black and brown populations moving into republican or independent categories is not stopping.

Not to mention as voter turnout rises in those communities, so does the shift in political

Democrats have done a good job recognizing the leak in their vulnerable bucket of voters, but also understand their options for refilling are scarce.

What a better way to create undying party loyalty and significant voter increases then allowing hundreds of thousands of immigrants through the border and then eventually granting them citizenship?

As much as this open border policy may help the DNC voter base in the long run, it puts politics before people. The open border policy hurts all Americans more than it helps one party. An influx of immigrants will immediately undercut the cost of American labor and drive Americans out of work, which we’ve seen in California, Arizona, and Nevada.

Furthermore, American federal and state income taxes barely pay for the minimal services provided to contributors and by extending those services to hundreds of thousands of non-contributors it will only lead to increased taxes or increased spending, both of which have detrimental effects.

Seeing that there is only one group benefiting from this open border policy it’s easy to understand the motivation. Open borders are simply an attempt by democrats to shift the voter pool in their favor.

The consequences however, hurt us all and most importantly the immigrants themselves who are seeking a better life, but are just political pawns coming in to a country that can barely take care of its legal citizens.

Washington is broken. Here at Convention of States we have the solution as big as the problem.

An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments.

These are our three, simple talking points.

1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-earned money

What can you do?

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