They Are More POWERFUL Than The President | Find Out Who's REALLY In Charge!

1 year ago

In today’s video, we’re going to tell you how a secret organization of men and women, is covertly controlling the world. Welcome… to the order of the Illuminati!

The Beginnings

18th century Bavaria… birthplace of the Illuminati. Its founder, Adam Weishaupt, founded the Illuminati to promote an ideal… to end injustice, and to promote rational and scientific knowledge.

With original members joining him from other secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Illuminati laid the stepping stones, to what eventually would lead to, the French Revolution.

It’s the most influential member, however? Mayer Rothschild… the head of one of the oldest and most powerful banking families in the world.
The same family is rumored to control the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, Deutsche Bank… and most importantly… the American Federal Reserve.

The Modern Era

Today, the Illuminati no longer operates in the shadows the same way it used to in the 18th century. Organizations like the Bilderberg Group or the Council on Foreign Relations, might not be household names but have rose to prominence in the public eye in recent years.

The Bilderberg group is rumored to have been founded by former Freemasons and Illuminati members and began meeting at the Bilderberg hotel in the Netherlands in the 1950s, however, it wasn’t until decades later that the mainstream media would finally acknowledge its existence. A collection of 120-140 of the most powerful political and business leaders in the world, the group meet only once per year.

Their main goal? Supposedly to prevent a world war. At least that’s what they tell the public. The real goal? Nobody knows for sure, but the public was starting to get worried.

What could the powerful elite be meeting about?

That’s what America journalist Jim Tucker intended to find out.
Over several meetings he covertly spied on the group and secretly documented what he could about their meetings.

What he found… shocked him.

Jim Tucker was able to uncover that this group was the driving force behind many of the major world events that had been happening over the years since its inception.

The break down of the Soviet Union… already planned by the group in the 1970’s…. The invasion of Iraq… openly discussed over a year before it happened. Similar to the Bilderberg Group, the Council of Foreign Relations claims to be a “thinktank”, specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs.

But its closed-door meetings involving secretaries of state, CIA directors, lawyers, professors, bankers, and high-ranking media figures, have drawn a lot of scrutiny over the years.

Myron C. Fagan famously stated, “Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names. In the United States, immediately after World War 1, they set up what they called the “Council on Foreign Relations”, commonly referred to as the CFR, and this CFR is actually the Illuminati in the United States and its hierarchy”.

This fact is less surprising when you considers that a founding architect of the CFR was Jacob Schiff, a well-known Illuminati member, and Rothschild co-conspirator.

Like the Bilderberg Group, the CFR meets various times a year, and like the Bilderberg Group, they meet to promote and progress the Illuminati’s goals of globalization and a singular world government.

The Ultimate Goal

A New World Order… Global dictatorship. Where the rich elites are allowed TRUE freedom and reap all the benefits, while you… part of the masses… live in blissful, beautiful ignorance.

But how does the illuminati plan to accomplish this goal?

They prefer not to use military strength, that would create pushback and possibly reveal the identity of its members. No… they prefer to use their financial assets and expand their influence using coercion and manipulation. As its most influential original member once said “Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws” – Mayer Rothschild.


Now the question comes up… who are the members of the modern-day Illuminati?

In order to answer that, we have to guess at what the illuminati look for in its members?

High intellect… financial means… powerful influence. These are the first 3 requirements to become a member. Looking around the globe, there are only a few elite people that can fit this mold.

Oprah, Jim Carrey, Jay-Z & Beyonce… sure they have the 3 factors but do they have them at the level that’s needed?

While celebrities like this are powerful in their own right, their finances are usually limited, and their influence only applies to their fans. Let us know who you think is a member of the Illuminati.

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