Interview and Chat with Su Walker, Discussing the P'nti, August 16th, 2022

1 year ago

Note: This video is a production by the Center for the Advancement of Humanity (c) August, 2022 - created by our Video Production Manager, Shahiroz Walji working with co-host, Joshua Shapiro. For this video, our guest is Su Walker.

Welcome to another exciting video as we speak to Su Walker, who is known as a professional clairvoyant and medical intuitive for 3 decades, She is a life long experiencer and for the past 9 years has been translating for a group of extraterrestrials known as the P’nti who operate out of a base beneath the Sandia Mountain on the eastern edge of Albuquerque. For this video we have three people present, besides Su, there is Shahiroz Walji, the Center's video producer as well as the co-host along with,Joshua Shapiro (a crystal skull and paranormal explorer, co-founder of the Center) acts as the other co-host.

So who are the P'nti exactly. They call themselves a Star Nation and discuss they come from the 5th planet orbiting the further of the two stars of the binary system known as Zeta Reticuli (approximately 40 light years from Earth). The P'nti are considered a "neutral nation" among the other Star Nations (many of these are visiting our Earth). During our time with Su, she discusses how she was telepathically contacted by the P'nti and the work she and her spouse, Rev. White Otter are doing with them. They offer two publications of information about the P'nti (see their contact information below).

In addition, we hear a specific P'nti speak through Su called Radar who shares some special comments with us and answers our questions. The P'nti are a nocturnal race, so they sleep during the day but they always have someone manner their Sandia Mountain Information complex. Su and Rev. Otter sponsor a twitter channel also where the P'nti answer questions as well.

So this is our third video so far (through August of 2021) where we hear from members of the various Star Nations or also called Galactics who desire to help our world in its current transformation into a higher vibrational state. You may wish to compare the information shared by the three Galactic races we have spoken too (also including the Arcturians and the Pleiadians). We further believe, also this chat with Su further supports the idea Humanity is not the only intelligent species in our known universe and the idea of a disclosure of such is coming soon.

If you wish to contact Su, here is various ways to do so:
Websites: /
Phone for Su: (+1) 515 291 6038

Twitter: Sandia the ET, @sandiawisdom
(here is where you can submit your questions to the P'nti)

Publications: The Telepathy 101 Primer
(download for free at:

Inviting ET (published in 2018, available via Amazon)


Shahiroz Walji

[We wish to acknowledge the amazing and wonderful job done to produce this higher level of video by Shahiroz, one of our coordinators for a future B.C., Canada center and now our official Video Production Manager and Technical Consultant]

She is the founder of the "Metaphysical Hub", where they interview the special Metaphysical People of our World. To learn more visit:

-- or visit Shahiroz personal website at:


Joshua Shapiro

To contact Joshua related to his work or information gathering linked with the crystal skulls, the paranormal or UFOs and ETs, his email is: or you can go to his website at:

-- You also may wish to email Joshua about the six free e-books (pdf format) he is offering which cover: Crystal Skulls / Tartaria / Flat Earth / Messages from his Future Self / Are We in a Computer Simulation? / Overview of What is Happening Behind the Scenes {from May 2021, still pretty accurate} -- (just put in the subject line: Free E-books - Chat with Su ...)


Christopher Jordan
(Special Thanks to Christopher for his help with the opening and ending videos and some of the spoken words that we shared.)

Logo Artwork and intro/outro video done by Christopher Jordan
Contact Christopher at any of the following websites: (the home of the great podcasts he does!)

Music composed by No Disassemble, go to:


The Center for the Advancement of Humanity - On-line Resources:

Rumble Video Channel:
{ We are constantly adding new videos (including interviews/chats with key individuals) to our channel all the time. In addition to discussing the New Financial System, we speak about many other subjects such as
crystal skulls, ufos, various world mysteries, the paranormal and much more. If you enjoy this video we encourage you to subscribe to our channel and then you will receive an email when new videos are added! :-) }

Email Address for Contact:

Telegram Channel:

Center Overview Webpage:

Note: The Center for the Advancement of Humanity is in its early stages of formation - we are seeking individuals, groups and centers all over the world to help us setup multiple locations as well as other people who are interested to join us in members. Our goal is to build the main center in Georgia in the U.S. with sister centers all over the world. Please feel free to email us if you would like to learn more how to help us create these amazing centers which are coming..


Thank you for your interest and support. We hope you enjoyed this special video as we have this chance to speak with Su and learn more about the Star Nation called the "P'nti".

Have an amazing day and may 2022 be our year for the revealing of Greater Truths, in peace and light

Joshua and Shahiroz (on behalf for our Center)
along with Su (our special guest)

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