Kim Iversen: Why I'm no longer on The Hill's Rising

1 year ago

Kim Iversen was co-host of The Hill's Rising. As a rare exception in mainstream media, she always presented well-informed, highly relevant, fact-based, common sense, logically correct information. It requires a lot of hard work, intelligence, skill, courage and strength to do what she did consistently.

Recently, the show got the chance to interview Fauci. This would be a fantastic chance for Iversen to grill him with some very tough questions. However, her managers refused to allow her to participate in the interview with a lame excuse that she had neutralized in advance.

People like Fauci keep their positions by not allowing interviews at all, or only interviews with friendly or weak journalists. Never with well-informed, critical journalists, such as Kim Iversen or Freddie Sayers of UnHerd.

NB: Real leaders don't shy away from these interviews. For instance, the leaders of Sweden's COVID response, Anders Tegnell and Johann Giesecke, were both interviewed multiple times by Freddie Sayers in long interviews. They answered all questions honestly and straightforwardly. Britain's Sajid Javid was also on, but he gave exactly the answers that you would expect from a politician. He spoke a lot and said very little.

If people like Fauci are forced into hostile territory, such as a hearing, they lie, mislead, give avoiding answers, purposely waste time, etc., all in an effort to avoid losing face and placing their job in jeopardy.

Leaders and high-ranking bureaucrats know that the media like to have them on, so they use this as a bargaining chip. The channels may get the privilege of interviewing them or even interviewing them early, or being the only organization to interview them. However, the channels know that if they are critical of the person, their privilege will be revoked in the future.

For more information on this, see Sharyl Attkisson's book ‘Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism’.


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