Bible Mysteries Podcast: Episode 48 - Interview with Ryan Pitterson

2 years ago

Ryan Pitterson is a Biblical researcher and writer with an emphasis in ancient Hebrew thought and theology. He received his B.A. from the University of Rochester and his JD from Columbia University Law School. He resides in the New York City area with his family.

A Comprehensive Biblical Study of the Nephilim Giants - Prepare For Startling Revelations From The Pages of The Holy Bible
6,000 years ago a war began. A war to rule Heaven and Earth that dates all the way back to the Garden of Eden. In the Garden, God told Satan that one day a woman would give birth to a male child – the Messiah, who would redeem humanity and destroy him. In order to prevent this child’s birth, Satan instigated a fallen angelic rebellion. A group of angels broke off their allegiance to the Lord and entered the earthly realm to corrupt the human gene pool and prevent the Savior’s birth. These fallen angels (“sons of God”) took human wives (“daughters of men”) and had children with them. Their offspring – hybrid half-human, half-angelic beings, were superhuman giants known as the Nephilim. With human DNA corrupted and humanity hanging in the balance, The Lord unleashed a punishment against the Nephilim so severe, only Noah and his family would survive.

New Discoveries From Scripture Regarding The Nephilim And Their Fallen Angelic Ancestors
This is a comprehensive Biblical study of the Nephilim. Using a literal reading of Scripture, we are given a complete picture of the war between two bloodlines – the lineage of the Messiah and the seed of Satan. Exploring passages rarely connected to the giants, you will discover new revelations regarding the Nephilim including:
Why did Pharaoh order all male children to be thrown in the river and Herod execute all male children in Bethlehem?
The Biblical location of the heavenly portal is used by angels to enter the earthly realm.
How were angels able to reproduce with human women?
Who was the first human woman to marry the fallen Sons of God and conceive a child?
Who was the fallen angel who ruled the preflood world?
The specific timing and description of God’s punishment of the rebel Sons of God and the Nephilim.

How did the Nephilim return after the Flood and are there still Nephilim among us?
All these questions will be answered and many, many more. Citing dozens of ancient Christian and Jewish writings from the first century AD through the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Judgment Of The Nephilim provides a thorough side-by-side comparison of the Bible and the extra-Biblical texts on this topic. It also details the connection between Genesis 6, Plato's account of Atlantis, and ancient mythology. This book is a must-read for those who want to learn more on the topic of the Nephilim giants. This is the story of God’s enduring love for all people and His promise to bring redemption through the prophesied Savior. This is the Judgment of the Nephilim.

Ryan Pitterson's Books:

Bible Mysteries Podcast
What if there were secrets in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know?
Did you ever wonder why the Bible is hard to understand?

What if God wrote the Bible in such a way as to hide a deep secret from Satan and his angels?

Bible Mysteries unlocks the secrets in the Bible! Join Scott and Xena as they guide you through ancient mysteries that reveal much about what is going on in your world today.

Join us to Unlock the Bible Now! You can learn more and find other resources at

Scott Mitchell
A mind-opening Bible Teacher and host of Bible Mysteries podcast, Scott has been a student of the Bible, Bible history, and Bible mysteries for 40 years. His careers have spanned music, legal support, and technology. A frequent guest on other podcasts like Conflict Radio and radio programs like Coast 2 Coast with George Noory, Scott has pastored a Bible church in Texas and is the founder of Unlock the Bible Now ministry.

After years of study, Scott found the key to unlocking the secrets in the Bible. Armed with a Pauline passage to be faithful stewards of the mysteries of God, Scott began Bible Mysteries Podcast and his website to share the truth about what the world is trying to hide!

Each week, along with his co-host Xena, Scott releases new episodes of the Bible Mysteries Podcast. Scott is currently working on his first book, "The World That Was," publishing date to be announced in the future.

Unlock the Bible now!

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