True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht joined Tucker Carlson

1 year ago

Democrat Treason IS Exposed By Tucker Carlson And True The Vote Data
May 6, 2022 Ed Koon
Democrat Treason Is exposed running a mail-in ballot-stuffing operation funded by Mark Zuckerberg stealing the 2020 Presidential Election from Potus45 Donald Trump. The movie 2000 Mules reviews from those who watched the premiere in theaters are being posted online. The data presented in 2000 Mules was laid out perfectly shining a spotlight on the treasonous election! 😡

Tucker Carlson’s interview on 05/05/22 with Catherine Engelbrecht of who compiled the data in the 2000 Mules movie exposes the blatant drop-off ballot fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. Video credit, FoxNews/Rumble
True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht joined Tucker Carlson on Thursday night. This was after the premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” on Wednesday at Mar-a-Lago. In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election from President Trump. We also know from our sources that Democrat PACs were involved in every state in the ballot trafficking operations. This was a planned, organized, and well-coordinated conspiracy in battleground states. We had a biased FBI and DOJ that did not investigate this criminal activity back in 2020 when the ballot stuffing accusations were first reported. We now know from investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips that roughly 7% of mail-in ballots in each state were trafficked. Without those stolen votes, Joe Biden would have lost. Democrat Treason Is exposed at last. Ask yourself if the geo tracking is not true, how can the Government claim they used it as accurate information for covid? Common sense here folks. The resident idiot and democrats cheated and performed a coup against a sitting President and the United States Citizens

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