Justification and Sanctification | Soteriology 3

2 years ago

This is PART 3 of our soteriology series called Justification and Sanctification. When does justification happen? What are the different tenses of sanctification? How does this relate to soteriology, the study of salvation? (MAKE SURE YOU WATCH THE OTHER PARTS!)
PART 2 HERE: https://youtu.be/E7gzHHR2rqU

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)

#justification #sanctification #soteriology #justified #sanctified #salvation #series #bibleseries #sermons #bibleteaching

hi welcome back to bible line i'm your host pastor jesse martinez and in today's video we're looking at part
three on soteriology we're going to continue to talk about what the bible says about salvation and we're going to
look at justification and sanctification just like the video last week this is very very important so i hope that you
learn from it make sure to comment and send us any questions that you may have i hope this is beneficial to you today
let's take our bibles and go to romans chapter four we're going to look at the word
justification today and then next week we'll wrap up this series looking at about three other terms one
of the ones we're going to spend a lot of time on next week is sanctification
trent and i were doing some research this week and we came across some youtube channels
that are quite large and they are doing exactly what bible line is is trying to do and that is get bible answers
to questions and many times it's interesting to see some of the most
watched videos are videos about the guarantee of salvation now this shows
you two things number one that people are not sure that they're saved and number two that there are people
that are trying to give answers and they're not satisfying the answer to the question
there's a ton of videos like that um how do i know i'm saved if you type that into google which is the second largest
search engine excuse me type that into youtube it's the second largest search engine in the world
you'll find so many videos it's everywhere and it just the knowledge abounds or the the
information abounds but no one is is answering the question biblically the ones that have clear answers are you
know less than a thousand views we came across one particular channel
and they have 800 000 subscribers they have the little green check of verification from youtube
and one of their most popular videos amongst others is a video with 440 000
views that says can i know for sure that i'm guaranteed salvation or something along those lines
and people watch a 10 minute video and you read the first 20 comments and they all go like this
i want the answer to this question i lose sleep over this i'm mentally taxed
because i don't know where i'm going to go and i die and you listen to this 10-minute video and it says a lot of words and phrases
but it speaks on no biblical truth none it's all a process
here's how people wrap up the answer to that question most of these uh you know speakers on youtube
you'll know if you're saved if you see a change okay and they say the measurement of that
change is by your actions you'll be a changed person i heard recently when something as big as god
moves in there's got to be a change and that sounds good
but it's not biblical as far as an outward appearance there is a change that happens but it's all instantaneous
the moment that you believe and this word justified or justification is
so important i was talking to some people over the weekend and i said
if we as believers were to recognize what has been done in the in god's court of law for you and me
it is almost the natural outcome to serve
there is no ongoing process of your justification there's no follow-up visits there's no
check-in there's no renewal or expiration of your justification it's been done
it's final so then how could we watch a video with almost 500 000 views
and people are looking to themselves to prove their salvation i'm going to read you some quotes here
from john mcarthur who is a he is the leading christian author right now
number one the gospel says give your life to christ and he rules
and if you're not willing to do that it's because you want to keep the rule of your own life the rich young man
wanted his own life for himself he wanted control of his own life he had his choice sin he had his choice of
religion he wanted to hang on to control it's that simple coming to christ means you give up the
control of your life and you yield it to christ that's called front loading the gospel
you put all of these terms and conditions in the beginning and you say these these must be met
first before you can be saved
here's another quote salvation isn't the result of an intellectual exercise it comes from a life lived in obedience and
service to christ as revealed in the scripture it's the fruit of actions not intentions there's no room for passive
spectators words without actions are empty and futile then the life we live
not the words we speak determines our eternal destiny folks
here's an interesting one this one i think is the most powerful and sheds the most light
on where the thinking is for the for the world today don't believe anyone who says it's easy
to become a christian salvation for sinners costs god his own son it costs god's son his life and
it'll cost you the same thing we you don't see that in scripture anywhere
we can't even look at discipleship verses and get something like that
salvation isn't gained by reciting mere words here's the word that here's the phrase
saving faith you see how they have redefined faith it's a saving faith
transforms the heart and turns and that in turn transforms behavior
faith fruit isn't seen in actions or is seen in actions not intentions there's no room for passive spectators words
without actions are empty and futile remember that what john saw in his vision of judgment was a book of life
not a book of words or a book of intellectual musings that the life we live not the words we speak reveals
whether our faith is authentic do you see how that that is serious
we're now taking the name of of a book the book of life and saying that life there means the
life that we live okay the actions of our life that's not what the book of life represents in that
passage but he has twisted and he has printed and published this
hundreds of thousands of copies
now let me say this here's another direct quote and i don't want to panic you when i say it
look at the panic that comes from this saving faith is an adult issue saving faith is an adult experience salvation
is an adult experience am i saying that a child cannot be saved i'm saying that salvation is a conscious turning from
sin to follow jesus christ with an understanding of something of the sinfulness of sin its consequences and
something of who jesus christ is and he has provided and that i'm committing my life to him do you see how many bullet
points are put under salvation for by grace are you saved through faith but
you got to know something of sin you have to know of its kind of consequences you have to be willing to
commit and that has to be lived out through your life is that what that verse says that's not
what it says continuing his his comment at what point can a child understand that i tell
parents that salvation is an adult decision there's no illustration in scripture of childhood salvation
there is none people want to throw the philippian jailer in his household well that's talking about his servants so there is
no reference there about his children what is going on so there is no such thing as a childhood
conversion now let me make sure i'm clear here i'm not attacking john mcarthur but let me be really clear he
does not know the gospel i have heard throughout my service
oh well john mcarthur believes like we do no he does not his program grace to you is deceptive
it's designed to sound good and look good but when you get into his writings and i've been saying this for months
when you read what he's written you see what he believes he's not even close
guys listen to this the greek word translated belief is not
referring merely to intellectual attainment or mental acquiescence but a wholehearted acceptance of everything
that is implied in the claims of christ you need to believe that jesus is god and that he died for your sins
a period there would be great now we have a comma committing your whole life to him and
sacrifice and serving him as lord so that's called backloading the gospel
you have the clear call in the beginning you believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved
then you put in the back the terms and conditions and you commit your life to him and live a life of service
let me ask you a question who judges the last part of those terms and
conditions it has to be you and me it has to be you and me
i have to be able to look at your life and see evidence of your faith and that enables me to become a task
master over you that's not biblical also we can't serve out of perfect love
in that kind of condition you actually serve out of a perfect and holy fear
that you have not done enough and you are constantly in stress and you
google on youtube how can i know that i'm saved and the answer you get is you don't know until
you die do you see where matthew 7 becomes perilous
when you see that many people say lord lord have we not because they've lived a life in which they think their works
save them and they're standing before jesus at the judgment and they're being told i
don't know you it becomes serious these become more than just quotes on a
piece of paper they become a matter of life and death and they ought to be accurate and they ought to be biblically accurate
number six submission this is another quote submission to the
will of god is christ's lordship and to the guiding of the spirit is an essential not an optional part of that
saving faith i don't use the phrase genuine faith saving faith
faith that saves no i say what have you done about jesus christ the offer has
been made he died on the cross he paid for your sins forgiveness is ready and available
now the choice is yours saving faith
why is that difference made because it puts people like john mcarthur
in a position of authority over your life the point is not last quote i promise
the point is not that god guarantees security to everyone who says uh who will say he accepts christ but rather
that those whose faith is genuine will prove their salvation is secure by persevering to the end in the way of
righteousness he says right here this is the point is not that god guarantees
security what do we do then church with first john 5 13
these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that ye may what
no no no no that's not what that says it is what it says
but the point is not that god guarantees security that you may know
that you have what that's right
eternal life and the rest of first john is is a beautiful book
but many people make it the litmus test for salvation the reason why i read these things to
you is because what we're going to go over today is
in my view the strongest definition of what happens to the believer at the moment of belief
even a child in an awana program who can understand
that they have a need of a savior and that jesus has paid their sin
can get saved many of you in here have worked in a wanna or seen a wanna work in a way that
kids get saved why do we make salvation harder than what it has to be
why do we make things a balancing act to keep people disciplined
you want the best kind of servant forgive them of all and declare them righteous
what other option do you have but to serve out of a grateful heart
that's why i'm doing what i'm doing because it's all done it's all finished
and i have this opportunity to preach and teach that message that saves
and you have that same opportunity i would be living in fear and trembling
if there had to be a certain amount of proof in my life to show that i was saved
and it's interesting the people that give these instructions they do none of those things themselves
how many times have you heard of preachers preaching lordship salvation make him the lord and master of your life and you find out they're having an
affair they're swindling money
this is what happens when salvation depends on you and me
it's been finished amen now i know this this font is small it's designed for a small classroom i've
magnified to i've magnified it to the best of my ability but take a look here at our slide this
morning justification romans 3 24 says being justified and it describes how the
justification happened what's it say church freely by his grace
through the redemption that is in christ jesus verse 26 i declare i say at this time
his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in jesus note here
that the one who justifies is jesus it's not you or me
it's jesus romans 4 24-25 but for us also to whom
if the righteousness of christ shall be imputed we're going to look at that word today imputed if we what
believe now that that flies in the face of a world selling author a bestseller
so now you have you and i have a decision to make who are we going to listen to
are we going to listen to the holy spirit all scripture is given by inspiration of
god and it's profitable are we going to listen to that are we going to listen to
a best-selling author i like his tv show i like the way he teaches
you think the devil wants that the devil wants it to look so good and feel so good
lordship salvation appeals to the nature of man lords of salvation is the
is is demonstrated in cain's offering which god rejected
god bless you sir romans 5 1 therefore being justified by what
faith we have what peace with god through who
our lord jesus christ i'll tell you when i prepare these messages i think what else can i say
except for that this is wonderful for the person that's trapped
in a works-based salvation process which will never be attained
we are justified by faith in him we have peace through our lord jesus christ
period much more than being now justified by his what blood we shall be saved from
wrath through him there's no more wrath of god that is
abiding over you believer and there will never be a time where it comes back
i've been talking about this for a little bit about parenting because my wife and i we had to talk about how we're going to parent
this this little kid of ours is on on the way somewhere praise god we're thankful for that
but we had to we're going through some parenting classes and and one of the things that i thought
was magnificently profound was when you discipline a child you never disciplined them in a way that
god would not discipline boy that takes the word spanking to a whole different level
it's not if i i will pull this car over do you understand me if you say one more
time and then you lunge back in anger and discipline god does not do that to you and me
there is no more wrath of god placed on us this leaks down into the family model
what does god hate the most it is rebellion and so a
parents need to be willing and ready and able to discipline on that rebellion
but god does not look at you and me and seek to discipline us as our parents seek to discipline us there's no vacuum
cleaner in heaven in which the cord can be used to get you as well you know i'm saying
there's no wooden spoon in heaven either that is ready that he's ready to strike you out of a holy anger
listen to how beautiful this is the wrath of god was satisfied on his son
did you hear what i said it was satisfied it's not gonna quell up again
that warren one more time i'm gonna beat the mess out of him
that's not how god works instead god disciplines warren out of a perfect
love that's even scarier that's even scarier
we shall be saved from wrath through him because of this we're justified
first corinthians 6 11 and such were some of you but ye are washed you are
sanctified you are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god and if you look at the two
verses before that it goes through all the different fruits of the flesh
from lying to murder i have had we just recorded a video
about this in galatians 5. people the person who asked the question said galatians 5 verses 20 through 21
seems to support that you can lose your salvation if you do these things this is how wonderful justification is
your flesh is not going to get into heaven a new birth will be there
and you've got that new birth right now so it changes
well why do i want to continue to live in sin when all of this has been done for me
husbands you'll understand what i'm about to say here when you want something right may cost a little bit
and you've been looking for you've been saving blah blah blah it's almost like you're gonna do
whatever you can to get that i'm saying it's like well we might be able to do this and move this around move this around maybe i'm just speaking for
myself but one of the things that kyla does is she says okay
you know what that does it makes me go do i really want that
i mean i've been looking forward to it and i've been saving up for it but now that i have the total freedom to go do it
do i want it let's talk about reverse psychology she knows [Laughter]
understanding your justification it you look at sin and go
i really want to do that considering what has been done for me
it's a wonderful motivation it's a wonderful motivation galatians 2 16-17 knowing that a man is
not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in
jesus christ that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not
by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall not what does this say shall no flesh be justified so now again
we have the holy word of god and the words of john macarthur
and you and i need to make a decision i think i think some of you are starting
to understand what i'm saying here we ought not support anything that does not line up with what the word says
this is why our pulpit is not open to anybody pastor scudder and his ministry who's
coming down here and they're going to be doing a gather in grace event to support
their ministry i want a ministry like that for one reason they teach the
biblical gospel i would be appalled if someone came into this pulpit and
teached a works based message and if it ever happened you better
believe wherever i'm sitting i'm popping up and coming and we're saying thank you
you have a nice day and maybe we'll have an early dismissal but i'm not even going to allow an
opportunity for it to be preached because it is a confusing and binding message and it's not what the bible
teaches galatians 2 16-17 we're going to break that down further on uh in the in the
message today but it's a wonderful this is what it is this is what it is not
titus 3 7 that being justified how by his grace we should be made ooh heirs
according to the hope of what eternal life so now you have a position in which you are inheriting eternal life
and that's already done and it's final all right justification
to reckon to declare or to show righteous not to make righteous
god declares the believer to be righteous justification is a legal term it is a
good standing the bible teaches that this is done when we believe
so you have a christian you have a lost man who is having the wrath of god abiding
upon him the bible teaches that the moment that they believe they become declared righteous a legal
term to which that cannot be changed this is why when jesus says and they
shall never be brought into condemnation again it is because all the things that were held against them have been met and
satisfied and they have been declared righteous it cannot change so you can't backload or front load the
gospel because it's a one-time positional experience
it only happens once and it stays that way to say anything else is to be a
contradiction to scripture we have two categories here you have in
the human law courts and in god's court in a human court of law
the law is over the judge an honest and just judge can show no
mercy is that true that is true this is how our legal system is supposed
to work you have a charge brought against you you are innocent until proven guilty you have the opportunity
to have counsel represent you and navigate through the legal system but when that verdict comes down
it's down the judge is held by the law
he must adjudicate guilty or not according to the law in god's court god
is over all by his grace his substitute has borne
the guilt and guilty sinners may be a jude a judas adjudicated as righteous
a guilty man may be pardoned in the human law court the crime be forgiven but no penalty paid in god's court all
sin has a penalty which must be paid i've given this illustration before god
does not simply let sin go with no payment
jesus paid the price this is the whole point of communion communion is not a saving process or to
keep you safe is to remember this event what did he do for us on the cross
he died and he paid for our sins praise god
isn't this more exciting than he started the process in which you and i must finish
give me the word of god and not man's opinion
punishment is required by god's absolute justice now we're going to look at three
elements of justification here if you have something to take notes with i would encourage you to do so the first
element of justification is forgiveness let's look at that in acts
chapter 13.
acts chapter 13
verses 37 through 39
but he whom god raised again saw no corruption be it known unto you therefore
man and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins
and by him all that believe are justified from how many things
all things so here we are in the court of law our account has come up the sin
has come up and there is a payment and that payment is rendered as death
and so god said this must be satisfied and his son stepped in our place and
took the payment for us all of it why would it make sense to say
there's a part of your bill that will be paid and then there's a later part that
you need to pay i've heard people say jesus starts i
finish that's not what the bible says
it says very clearly and by him all that believe are justified from
all things from which you could not be justified by the law now just hold your place here for a second and go to
galatians 2. we just looked at galatians 2. and i want you to see the
the the clear connection
some people have this weird idea that the gospel of jesus is not the gospel of of paul and i don't
i don't understand that look at what is said here in galatians 2 knowing that a man is not justified by
the works of the law if you hold your place you can look right back over there in acts and it says from which you could
not be justified by the law of moses knowing that a man is not justified by
the works of the law we're in galatians 2 16 but by the faith of jesus christ even we have believed in jesus christ
that we might be justified by the faith of christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no
flesh be justified period people say well a belief a lost man has
to ask god for forgiveness to be saved the forgiveness is already available and
done what the lost man must do which romans 4
does not classify believing as a work what they must do
is say i believe that was done for me that's it
there's no proof that has to come after it's been satisfied fully in christ
hallelujah a christian is not a pardoned criminal he is a righteous man
this is an important point as well when god looks upon you and me he sees a clean bill
he doesn't see that really bad area before we were saved
and then oh look at all this righteousness he doesn't see you as someone who's pardoned he sees you as a righteous
person isn't that wonderful
gone gone gone my sins are gone amen do you see how this enables grateful
service it is a shame that there are not more people teaching
this message this morning trent sent me a survey from answers in
genesis i don't know the exact numbers but there's a large percentage of young
christians who are tired of the 10-minute messages now i probably would have never guessed
that you know what i'm saying you know what young evangelical christians are looking for
substance more of the word of god less of the music
really because you know there's a whole church out there that is a
they're a worship band first and they have a worship band pastor
and the whole thing is about the musical experience evangelical young people are saying no i
want the word of god taught but churches have succumbed they have
they have the the hook in their jaw oh you got to be culturally relevant or people are not going to show up
yeah i'm not going to go for that you're not going to see me in a white v-neck shirt and skinny jeans
it's not happening don't have the body or desire for it okay you don't want to see it i don't
want to wear it i don't have to reach the culture i i
don't have to be in a position where i i sacrifice the word of god in
order to reach people we're not going to talk about sin because sin is offensive imagine if jesus took that approach
well i don't want to talk about being judgmental and hypocritical to the pharisees that would hurt their feelings
what it is that attitude that is keeping them out of heaven hello
hello but people have cut pages out of their bibles and we cut passages out and we we
status we're satisfied with these corrupt translations that mutilate the word of god
i think it's i think it's terrible that there's translations like the message bible out there that put that that in
order to reach the young people we got to have jesus say bro and dude
yeah okay sins are paid for by another and that
another is the perfect substitute the lord jesus look in first john look in first john in chapter 2.
verses one and two first john two my little children
these things right i unto you that you sin not and if any man's sin we have an advocate with jesus with the father
jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins
and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world that word
propitiation there means the satisfactory substitutional
he is in that place of you and me
and it was accepted and it was accepted i can't tell you how many times pastors
crack open first john and they create a boogeyman here's how they do it
they don't understand first john so they think it's a litmus test for salvation
and so they create this imaginary man who's so so sinful and wicked
so sinful and wicked that he was actually never really saved even though he believed on the lord jesus christ and
thou shalt be saved he was unsaved because he was so wicked and never confessed his sin and never had any
problem with it and they paint this picture of a man and they give their congregation
assurance by saying but that would never be you that would never be me
it's this this other man we know we all know him but it's not us
that's not how first john is to be interpreted first john is a book that that
describes the quality of your walk with the lord but the point the reason why i went to
first john 2 is to show here that he is the perfect substitute and by perfect it means complete meaning
there's nothing else that you and i must do praise the lord god has no other way of
pardoning but by jesus christ and number two is imputation
psalms 32 and verse 2 blessed is the man unto whom the lord imputeth not iniquity
and in whose spirit there is no guile romans 4 8 blessed is the man to whom the lord will not impute sin romans 5 13
for until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law imputation is to put to one's
account you go to the bank you have a check you write out a deposit slip with the
accounting number the amount that you want to go in and if you want any cash out you can put it there and you have a net or you have a gross and you go to
the teller and you say i take this amount of money and i am putting it to this specific account
the illustration here is not just because you and i understand it the very words of christ on the cross it is
finished is an accounting term which means paid in full so the payment was put to our account
and when you believe the full righteousness the full justification is imputed to your account
where is lordship salvation in light of the term of in light of the terms of scripture it's a false doctrine
and it's got to be noted as that friend you sit here today
fully justified makes every song sweeter
makes the fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters in christ sweeter it makes prayer requests sweeter
it takes the filth of the world and and shows it for what it is it's filth
we're children of the king isn't that great
um last year when kyla was in her situation and she almost died because of going
septic you're sitting there waiting for the calls from the doctors and stuff and you know there's a chance that you get a
call that something happened and she passed away i praise the lord in knowing where she will be
some of you have lost people this year or in in the past several years with all the things going on in the world you've
lost people but what makes a funeral a celebration of life is knowing where they are
and i'm so glad that we don't have to sit down before a funeral and say do the actions of this person prove that
they're saved the catholic church will tell you confess your sins or you won't know
you're going to heaven but every catholic funeral we've been a part of they're all in heaven
it's the same thing with the calvinists the calvinist says there are some that are chosen to eternal life and there are others who are chosen to eternal
damnation i've yet to meet a calvinist that says he's chosen to eternal damnation
they're all chosen to eternal life what you and i believe has been
classified by the world as hyper grace and they call it they say that all you
have to do is believe and you're fully justified from all things and but there and there's no mention of repentance or
confession of sin you know why there's no mention of repentance or confession for sin
because the bible doesn't make it a requirement i'm looking at hyper grace and i'm going
wow by the terms of the world minus a few things here and there that's biblical got questions.org is lobbying
an attack on the word of god i got questions for gotquestions.org
who's who's doing the bible study there why are we missing these basic things
imputation is to put to one's account all the sins of mankind were put to
christ's account he paid them in full the righteousness of christ is put to the account of every believer the person
who believes on him and the last part is regeneration which
we discussed at length last week but as a refresher it is a new birth into the family of god look at these wonderful
verses ephesians 4 6 one god and father of all who is above
all and through all and in you all this even applies to the wicked believers in corinth
but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name beloved
now are we the sons of god now are we the sons of god
right now you are in that position and it doth not yet appear what we shall
be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is praise god
there's not going to be one one little part of my sinful nature in
heaven oh well that's the amount he didn't fully pay no
i'm not going to make mistakes in heaven someone asked me the other day i think it might have been you michael i
i don't i don't remember we were talking and somebody said what are you going to feel
when you're in heaven when you know what what do you think you're going to do when you see jesus like what's going to be
the result and they told me some some questions or some answers from other people
i don't know because i do not know what it is like to not have a sinful nature
but i know when i do see him it's going to be great joy
and i can't wait for it some people will say i had a i had a
question come in a couple of years ago where somebody says you know well i know my wife or my my husband and heaven and
you know will they still love them and things like that and i said i i think we'll know people
i think we will but let me tell you we're going to want to be with him
and sometimes people like oh well i love my husband and wife so much like i don't want to lose that love well
you love jesus more the commitment that we have in a marriage is to model what christ did for
us so we ought to put him as numero uno
i just can't wait to be there i have one little request i want to see
how the world was formed that's it i want to see how he spoke everything into existence and i'd like to be able
to like fly around galaxies and stuff i know that's two requests now i know i know
doc meyer says he hopes there's like a a video room where you can he can watch all the stories of the bible
let me tell you what though how awesome it would be to fly around the galaxies and and see the creation of the world
but i know whatever is waiting for me is greater than that
whatever is waiting for me is greater than that i and i i'm excited
it motivates my service because i'm going to go see him and there's an opportunity for him to
give to me i mean we even think of that
the chance that he will reward us for living disciplined here i'm up for that even though i'm gonna
i'm gonna cast him right back at his feet be great wouldn't it be great
exciting we read all those verses okay justifications we're going to go over
two different categories of justification uh conditions okay the first one is negative and not in like a
bad way but this is what it is not okay it is not by works
romans 4. now i want you to go to romans 4 because we're going to we're going to look in there for a little bit
i was listening to a pastor this this week and i i he was talking about you know
creating me a clean heart and he made a statement like this he
said if you're not unhappy about your sin if you're unconvicted about your sin and
you're unconfessional about your sin that man is not saved
now i'm telling you when it comes to a disciplined living
example being being content to just send it up is not a good condition to be in
but to make that a product of salvation is a heresy and it's unbiblical
we have to take a hard stance on it because the bible clearly discusses it
justification before men is different than justification before
god remember we said that because we're going to look at it later but
justification is not by works look at romans 4 verses 4 through 5. now to him that
worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace
but of debt but to him that worketh not
but believeth on him that justify at the ungodly his faith is counted for
righteousness i have seen and read full-blown arguments that belief must be
a work and that kind of description is calling the bible
and the author of the scripture a liar because it says here but believeth on
him that justify at the ungodly that faith
is counted for what declared righteous in god's court of law
you see how this all fits together like that nice puzzle piece as it ought to be
romans 11 6 and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no
more grace but if it be of works then is it no more grace otherwise work is no more work the
light is on the light is off the light is on the light is off
it's either all grace or it's either all works there's not a mixture of the two
why then does macarthur say that saving genuine wholesome authentic
faith is followed by actions why then is it categorized belief is the
evidence proven by action that doesn't that's not what the bible says
it is not by the deeds of the law this is where we should take a hard stance on legalism
let me chat about legalism for just a moment we only have about 10 or 12 minutes left
legalism is very destructive legalism is the idea that a person is made holy or sanctified
by their actions and it is just you just have to do the actions
this is how you get mega churches back in the 60s 70s and 80s they have
horrible scandals going on and they're able to manipulate children
into doing things that are ungodly because the idol has become that man
dr lindstrom never asked for an idol to be built unto himself nor did dr arnold and nor will i
i don't worship any bible teacher this word is what i put
as primary but when you tell people how to act and tell people how to live in order to
attain righteousness you become the one that decides you become the one that decides
heart cry ministries which is paul washer's ministry is a quintessential example
of legalism he said the moment that he felt most saved
was when he was on a missions trip in africa and he was just giving out bibles
he felt that's when i felt lord i can die right now because i know i'm going
what let me tell you not by the deeds of allah romans 3 20
therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified be declared righteous in his sight
for by the law is the knowledge of sin galatians 2 16 we've read that at length
galatians 3 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of god it is evident for
the just shall live by faith now many many people will
creep into this verse and say see you're going to live it
this is how we can have eternal life by what faith
and we are declared righteous in that moment positive and there's four things here
it is by god romans 3 26 to declare i say at this time his righteousness that
he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in jesus who shall
lay anything to the charge of god's elect it is god that justifieth not you
not our works by grace being justified freely by his grace
that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life
it is by his blood romans 3 24-25 look at verse 25
whom god hath set forth to be a propitiation a substitutional sacrifice
through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the
forbearance of god and when we partner this with what it says in first john 3 2
that we're going to be like him it's covered all sin romans 5 9 much more then being now
justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him
by faith therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord
jesus christ and finally by the resurrection and i want you to see this in romans 4 verses 24 through 25 but for
us also to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up jesus our lord from the dead who was delivered
for our offenses and was raised again for our justification
it's not enough to say he didn't rise from the dead
you see how heinous the disciples are not the disciples the pharisees and their time
how heinous their thoughts were to cover up the resurrection because if he doesn't come back from the dead he's
just another man but he did come back from the dead hallelujah
and it was for a purpose to declare you and me
righteous upon the moment of belief amen
there are three illustrations here of justification we're already in romans four so i want you to look at verses one
through five we have abraham as an example what shall we say then that abraham our
father half as pertaining to the flesh have found for if abraham were justified by works
he hath whereof to glory but not before god which is what we're about to see in the
next slide here where we talk about justification before men for what saith the scripture
abraham what church believed who church
and it was counted unto him for what now to him that worketh is a reward not
reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justified the ungodly his faith is
counted for righteousness look at the next set of verses down to verse 8 even as david also describeth
the blessedness the happiness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works
saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the lord will
not put to their account sin
instead look at what verse 6 says god puts righteousness to their account
without their works and for time we won't look at the one
verse in hebrews chapter 11 and verse 7 but it discusses noah there
justification before men men cannot see faith only works
now here's the passage james chapter 2 no
no it destroys everything no it doesn't
was not abraham our father justified by works when he offered isaac his son upon the altar
see us now how faith wrought with his works and by works was faith made complete or perfect and the scripture
was fulfilled with saith abraham believed god and it was put to his account unto him for righteousness and
he was called the friend of god you see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only the
context of james chapter 2 is to believers that are saying one thing and doing another or they're just happy to
be in church but they're not reaching the lost person they're disobedient the devils believe and tremble oh see
see see you got to do works too no they know the consequences and you and i should understand the consequences of
not exercising our faith we miss out on rewards we miss out on
the opportunity to experience the joy of our salvation and we may miss out on time to serve for him
but we justify our faith before men by the things that we do those of you who have brought people to
church and they've gotten saved maybe someone brought you to church and you got saved
what a wonderful thing amen to make this about salvation is to miss
the point justification in the believer's experience it is peace with god it is
access it is the rejoice in the hope of glory patience experience hope and love
you're already in four look in five of romans therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our
lord jesus christ by whom also we have access this is how we can boldly
approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy in our time of need
well how is that possible if we first have to get saved again or have a track
record and not only also but we glory in tribulations also knowing that
tribulation work with patients and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of god is shed
abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given unto us you cannot serve in a perfect state if you are trying to
still be saved it's already done he's not asking us to serve out of fear
and trembling perfect love casteth out fear what's the perfect love
a solid forgiveness a declaration of righteousness in which we will always be in that
condition amen why would we want to live in the muck and the mire of sin
why when we are declared righteous
you want a motivation for service that's the motivation for service
okay we like this slide right we're done
this hand representing you and me and my wallet representing sin and i put this on top of my hand because the bible says
for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god the payment for sin
is death separation from god forever in a place called hell it's not somewhere you want
to be it's not somewhere you want your worst enemy to be and when people teach the gospel falsely
they are putting people on a track to this place in order to get to heaven
the condition is perfection i take the wallet off of my hand to show
it's it's full perfection not this was once in a position and now
it's not they've only paint you know they're only living for the future ones they got to pay for all of them
we've all fallen short god loves the man
he hates the sin because it separates us from him many world religions are teaching a
works based model give turn ask
prove these are common phrases used in a gospel invitation
those of you who are saved stay saved and those of you who want to stay saved keep working you hear the phrase know
that i know that i know and it causes doubt in people's mind because the only thing they have to look at is themselves
you cannot work your way to heaven you cannot work your way to heaven
this hand represents jesus christ and it's used it's as an illustration but you notice there's no sin there
he meets the requirement he lived a perfect righteous holy life
not as merely an example for you and me so that he went to that cross and he took
our sin upon himself he paid for it he died
he rose again three days later just like he said so now here's the lost person
their sin is paid so how do they get saved
for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believeth in him
what's it say shall not perish but have what
everlasting life and you see where that word justification comes in
the moment of belief declared righteous god looks at you and me
and regardless of how we live our life it will not change our positional standing
now this is where people like to take the mud and throw it and say you're preaching a license to sin no we're not
most people that levy that claim against you they're using that license
i'm serious i've never thought in my life that
the first thought of when i understood salvation is not yes i can do what i want now
no and i i bet you it was not that way for you either in fact many of you got saved
later in life and the first thing that you experienced was relief of the clarity
i've not met someone who's like oh yeah now i can go do what i want when i want where i want with who i want blah blah
blah never met somebody like that the bible's not again uh is against that
view of a license to sin romans 6 1 and 2.
what is to be properly understood is it's done
now you have the opportunity and the capacity to live out for him amen
because you are justified declared righteous let's go to the lord in prayer
heads are bowed eyes are closed if you're here today and you have yet to
take god at his word that jesus christ died on the cross for your sins and was buried and rose
again if you've yet to do that if there's a part of you that is still working to be saved
you're hanging on to something that you can do would you just simply
believe take god at his word
that jesus has paid for your sin and has risen again my friend the moment you do that you're
saved this is not just for adults this is for anyone who can hear and
understand even a child can understand this
so if you're here today and you put your faith in jesus for the first time would you let me know by a
raised hand raising your hand doesn't save you it just lets me know that you have believed on
the lord jesus christ today anyone at all before we close heads about and eyes are still closed
i hope you'll you'll be here next week as we talk about sanctification
there are three tenses to it and there's a lot that you can learn from it it gives a lot of clarity to
passages which seem to say something different but would you pray
for people who are looking for answers online and in the world
would you pray two things that someone would reach him and that god would use you to do it
father thank you so much thank you for the declaration of righteousness that's been done
thank you for the answered prayer and in my life with me and kyla we rejoice
in that but there's nothing greater than our salvation i pray for the
men and women in this room that they would not be swindled into false doctrine that they would know the
word and that they would have a burden for souls bring us back here safely
tonight in jesus name we pray [Music]
[Applause] you

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