Stream of Mana Day 24 (Echoes of Mana)

2 years ago

We take one more swing at Coffer Chaos before the event ends. They need to fix fact that the daily tries don't reset properly, but that's a dead horse that I've already beaten on long enough.

After that, we clear Twillwool Tower Floor 70 without any losses, and that officially clears out all the early game content. Technically, floors 61-70 were added afterwards, as the tower only extended up to floor 60 at launch. However, it doesn't matter at all.

We kill a little bit of time working on our equipment and waiting for the new event, Bravers Arise I. Contrary to the initial thoughts, this is actually a really simple event. Sadly, it's a damage race, and you compete with other players. I was so happy that EoM didn't have a PvP section, but it looks like this event will have one. So sad. Despite that, we finish it off almost entirely in a single day.

There will be no release tomorrow, as there's no new content to show off, just some grinding to power up my team.

Echoes of Mana calls back to the Mana games we all know and love:
Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Legend of Mana, Sword of Mana, Adventures of Mana, and the other Mana games that are too numerous to list.

Originally streamed May 19, 2022

Referral and Support link:

The plan is to stream this nightly, Pacific time. I don't have a firm schedule yet. Releases will be on top of my other releases. This one is later than usual, but I'm shooting for 3PM PDT daily.

As with Date A Live previously, I'm attempting to do a "team whaling" approach. Starting in May, I will be adding the following amount of money each money:
$20 per month of my money, no strings attached.
$20 per month matching on-stream donations.
1/2 of all money gained from using my referral links.

Release Schedule:
Noon PDT:
Sunday and Monday: Date A Live Spirit Pledge backlog
Tuesday and Thursday: Heart of the Jedi
Wednesday and Friday: The Spirit Engine 2
Saturday: Super Robot Wars 2

Daily: Echoes of Mana
This release schedule will slip once we're caught up on story and don't have events to grind. At the start though, we have lots to do.

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