3 years ago

Mike teaches today. 04/10/21


VERSES: Romans 6:13, 8:29-39; Jeremiah 18:1-17; Ephesians 3:18



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Reviewing verse 3… “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ.”
Verses 4-14 Paul begins to articulate and expound on God’s plan and blessings in Christ. He here begins to lay out for our understanding God’s amazing plan realized in His beloved Son (which we will here make a less than feeble attempt to briefly put in a nut-shell). That Plan which included a new species of ‘being’ made in His own image who ultimately will become His adopted ‘sons’ accepted in His beloved Son of sacrifice, Jesus, being victorious in life and death as the Son of man, now resurrected from among the dead, seated in glory at the right hand of God, in Whom also God has granted them, being in Jesus Christ, an inheritance with Him in the heavenly places, to enter into the presence of God’s Glory.

A human is a creature that begins as a living soul which is created very good but falls prey to satan’s wiles and is thereby condemned unto death. Death being the demise from which the shed Blood of the great Kinsmen Redeemer purchased us. In whom we are to hope after we have heard the herald of truth, and the mystery of God’s predestined will. And we have been sealed in New Testament promise of the Holy Spirit, in whose power we are now to be formed into the image of God’s perfect Son of man; Jesus Christ. God’s sovereign will is to be manifest in the predetermined fullness or completed times (the season typed in the Sabbath, which points to the Millennial kingdom, the 7th season of Tabernacles, which is after this current time of His patience in grace and mercy in the continuing calling out of His sons unto heavenly glory). This fullness of seasons being that appointed time of His investiture as King, taking by power and force, in the great future battle for the heavens of the Earth, the purchased possession of His Kingdom. (Note that though satan has already been defeated by all that Christ wrought in the Atonement, he still holds authority in the Earth. He rules like an incumbent president who has been beat out of office, but not replaced yet. Christ’s investiture is as His inauguration.)

Christ will then claim the heavens of this World justly His own, in the gathering up the first-fruits of His faithful up into (at the mid-point of the last 7 years), the heavens which satan will not relinquish to them without a fight. It is a battle he loses and is cast down to Earth, along with the next territorial battle 3 ½ years later which he also loses and is then cast into the Pit of Hades in the center of the Earth. All this unto the praise of God’s Glory by all those who have beheld; by all those who have seen and experienced the severity of God, now on full display is His power over death, over His enemies, and His great love and goodness expressed towards His Son and Bride raised in glorious splendor from among the dead. It is a peace without end, with a new earth and new heavens. What the first Adam lost, the 2nd Adam (Christ Jesus) has exceeded in restoration. What God had created and presented to the first Adam is greatly increased in the inheritance of the Second Adam; a Bride, an eternal City, with Garden and the tree and river of life. That which He has conceived before the foundation of the World and brought to pass, He now receives long withheld praise and glory. (God is patient as He awaits the praise and glory due Him, that recognition of His majesty which is seen in Revelation 7:9-12.) The fullness then seen in that which is typical in the Angels who rejoiced and sang at God’s creation of this realm, and the rejoicing of Israel on the east bank of the Red Sea for God’s Deliverance.

VERSES 4-5 “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

Predestination (for a more expanded discussion of predestination see our lesson on Romans 8:29-39), as it relates to man in Scripture, has two parts, and means which God designed and foreordained before the creative works starting in Genesis 1:3. By the pleasure of His good will, and by His inherent wisdom, He pre-determined a King and Kingdom to come........


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