G Edward Griffin talks with Mike Adams about liberty and the upcoming Red Pill Expo

2 years ago

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G. Edward Griffin talks with Mike Adams about Red Pill Expo and the government's motive behind stimulus packages

Interviewed by Mike Adams, book author and filmmaker G. Edward Griffin talked about the Red Pill Expo that took place on June 5 and 6 in Rapid City, South Dakota. He noted that they picked South Dakota to be the event’s host because it’s one of the few states without any form of coronavirus (COVID-19) restriction. Red pill, he said, represents the awakening of people to reality. According to Griffin, taking a red pill means you know something is not right.

Griffin said the government wants people to be dependent on the state. He said the government’s motive behind the stimulus packages is to have a militaristic form of society where everything is taken care of for you as long as you are obedient and following the rules. Your position in that kind of society, he said, is dependent on your obedience to authority.

Adams said the constant message given by the government, Big Tech and Big Pharma is that they are our saviors. That, according to Griffin, is a trick as old as the hills. They created a problem to have an excuse to implement a solution that they planned before the problem, he said.

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