Civil Rights Violations. Denial Of Service. Policy Over Rights. Peabody Essex Museum. Salem PD Mass

2 years ago

This was on Friday June 25th, 2021 at approximately 15:04 at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem Massachusetts. As the state of emergency has been lifted in Massachusetts. All of the mandates, recommendations and requirements have been lifted as well. There are some businesses that are trying to continue with these requirements. What these businesses fail to recognize is that they are in violation of federal law and the civil rights act of 1964. At the very least these businesses have to have some sort of an exemption exemption for religious beliefs and/or medical reasons.

As I entered the main entrance I was immediately approached by security And told I have to wear a mask if I want to enter the building. The 2nd in command of security came down and we had a discussion over their policies violating federal law and the civil rights act of 1964. Eventually they asked me to leave and they called the police on me to try to get me removed from the "premises" outside. Officer Sicard from the Salem police department responded and tried to avoid making contact with me. Although he has no problem adding my personal information within the incident report.

Please let me know what you think of the interaction in the comments section down below!!! Also remember, all of you can also make phone calls and/or file complaints if you feel that is necessary. All contact information will be linked down below. I appreciate all of the support as Mass Accountability about to hit 36,000 subscribers!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect if, respect and appreciation!!!


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