Anniversary of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia – unspeakable suffering...

2 months ago

Anniversary of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia – unspeakable suffering, unclarified guilt! (Film: “WHY? Stories of the bombed Yugoslavia”)
March 24, 2017, was the 18th anniversary of the NATO attack on former Yugoslavia which violated international law. For 79 days the NATO Air Force attacked Yugoslavia, dropping 14,000 bombs which killed more than 2,000 and injured over 8,000 civilians. Two years after the NATO war against Yugoslavia a broadcast by the German tv program MONITOR brought to light that the United Nations did not give any mandate for this attack. Since – contrary to the claims of politicians from different NATO-countries – there was no humanitarian catastrophe which could have proven a criminal offense, also not in Kosovo.
The German general leading the OSCE at that time, Heinz Loquai, stated this. So there was not a single hint of a threatening humanitarian catastrophe in any report by the OSCE. Also in the documents of the Federal Minister of defence nothing was written about a “humanitarian catastrophe”. The international experts were only observing the combat actions of the so-called “Kosovo Liberation Army” (UÇK/KLA) against Yugoslavian regular army troops. This revealed that the violence and provocation undoubtedly came from the UÇK. Exactly this was reported just before the war started at a meeting of the NATO council. The question as to why these horrible attacks by the NATO army on the people took place can be partially answered by an assertion made by Jochen Scholz, lieutenant-colonel of the NATO at the time. He said that the military planning for aerial attacks by NATO against Yugoslavia had been completed already in 1998 – although no humanitarian catastrophe existed which could have justified a military operation, according to an OSCE report.
Because of the favourable geographic location, the enlargement of the EU and NATO in the East was part of the plan. The semi-socialist Yugoslavia was an alien element which was opposing any foreign conditions: such as the credit conditions of the International Monetary Fund. From the NATO position there was clearly not any humanitarian reason to step in. Norma Brown, diplomat at the OSCE said: “The reality is that everyone knew there will be a humanitarian crisis of massive proportions if they bombed.”* The governments of NATO countries nevertheless were spreading the “Kosovo humanitarian catastrophe lie”. Shamelessly they legitimised the illegal NATO attack as a “humanitarian war” before the world public. Just how humane this war really was you can see in the following film: “WHY? Stories out of bomb-torn Yugoslavia ”. The American journalist Anissa Naouai was in Belgrade three years ago in order to see for herself what the situation really was. Naouai documents fates caused by the NATO war. During her research she met, among others, the Serbian journalist Jelena Milinčić who had witnessed the war at close range. The documentation shows how deep the pain is still ingrained in the victims. In this documentation there is much shocking original footage of the war. It is not suitable for children.
The following questions remain: 1. How (in the world) could warmongers unleash (such) a war - against international law - motivated only by greed and profit, deliberately conceding to unspeakable sufferings - on European soil?
2. How it is possible that even until now politicians like former cabinet members Joschka Fischer and Rudolf Scharping justify that war in spite of countless and undeniable facts?
3. And how is it possible that the politicians who were responsible for the outbreak of this war have not been court-martialled?

from mv.

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