Come along with me for a post-Storm Garden Tour... after raining 7" here during Week#9 of Winter ...

3 months ago

Hey There!
Glad you stoped by….

Come along as I take you around the Garden for a look see as to how Swampy it gets here after a big rain fall...

After all…. The property is contagious with a vernal pool area which is basically a swale in the topography…Any way…
…this system brought about 7" to the property and
there is so much good about it!...

It helps bring dormant seeds into germination ...
It feeds the Aquifer for the coming Summer months…
It’s the best at watering the entire property... (best Sprinkler ever!)
…And it softens the heavy adobe soil to make pulling weeds so much easer… just to name a few!

Which by the way…is why trees fall over with big Gusts of wind … when the soil is saturated it becomes like soup!

Tucked in there I wanted to start the conversation about Community with Plants and why not people too!?!

So come along for the tour & chat!

As always …
I’m curious how your plant communities are doing in your Garden….
And …what do you look for in a Community of Peeps??

I look for ….
Like minded…High Vibed…interested in Personal Development & Spiritual Growth/ Learning/Developing & Leading with the Heart….

I’m sure I have more… so I will continue to Muse on this one Too!

Be well until we meet up again next time!

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