S4E12 Time to Flush

10 months ago

What up Yea'll. We're here. We got two more Weeks left!!! I can't wait to wrap up this season. Things are really looking good for us. We maybe down 2 p's but we'll still prob get over 2lbs on this round do I can't really be complaining. Starting to see some colors coming out. Some nice purples and oranges. All three plants are sturdy and gaining. During the flush period it's important to just let things happen and not over stress the plants, so at this point other then watering them every so often I'm not doing anything. Time to relax and let nature do its thing.

Thanks for watching. I'm back I'll hopefully be realeasing more videos, trying to get back to 2 a week if I can. My personally life is still a mess so I'll be busy and probably not as responsive as usual.

Alright stay safe out there.


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