Street Cat Takes Adoption Into Own Hands - Refuses to Leave Car

7 years ago

Word is among cat lovers that you don’t choose a cat, it chooses you! It doesn’t happen often that an adult feral cat decides to join you in your adventures in life, so when a one does happen to come over for a cuddle and a scratch, be sure that this feline trusts you completely! Cats can be excellent judge of character and this feral toyger proved just that!

Leo was a street cat that has always known what he wants. Roaming the streets of Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, all the cat wanted was to find a warm and loving home. But it isn’t easy for the cats on this Turkish city’s streets.

So instead of waiting to be rescued, he took matters into his own hands. When an animal rescuer came to feed him like she usually does, the cat decided that he will not be staying on the street in Ankara no more. He climbed the hood of rescuers red FIAT car and went straight inside through the open window on the driver’s side.

The cat then stayed with the rescuer until he got adopted! Who says that there are no happy endings in life?

What did you think of this video? We would love to hear what you think so please do not hesitate to leave a comment down in the comments section!

Please share this amazing moment with your family and friends as it will surely make them smile! This is one video that you are not going to want to miss!

Rumble is brimming with videos of cute kittens and every video is becoming an almost instant sensation. There are tons of channels dedicated only to the purring creatures. They have eclipsed the space of social networks, there are oceans of ​​groups of feline lovers, which in fact are the most popular forms of online networking of pet enthusiasts.

People who have not been dragged into the pool of kitty veneration, are dealing with a very logical question: "What aroused such interest in these soft-furred mousers? Why not dogs? Why not birds? Or fish? Why cats? ".

Both the very culprits, doing the campaigns for promoting cats online, and the viewers and loyal cat fans even though they do their best to unravel the mystery of cat interest, they cannot provide a single definite answer, apart from:

"But they are soo cuuuuute - don’t you just want to squeeeeeze theeem?", "Cat is my spirit animal, and I think that half the world agrees with me", "Cats ...hmm ... I just love them!", "Cause they are so funny and adorable."

Do you think it's really so simple: do cats attract us with their charming charisma? And that's all?

It is totally inconceivable that a person who has Internet access and knows how to use a computer hasn’t noticed that cats have totally taken it over and rule it with supremacy! But if you think that this is a modern phenomenon - you are mistaken: not only are cat videos trending for the past 10 years, but they have been a trend for millennia. Just take a look at the drawings of cats in the Egyptian pyramids.

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