VIDEO - The diabolic HERESY of the SSPX heretics condemned by the true Holy Apostolic See...

11 months ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on Pentecost Feria 6, Ember Day, Feast of St. Marcelinus, St. Petrus and St. Erasmus, Bishop, Martyrs...2 June 2023 AD...

The diabolic HERESY of the SSPX heretics condemned by the true Holy Apostolic See...Decree from the Supreme Teaching and Magisterial Authority of the Holy Mother Roman Catholic Church, by the Supreme Pastor the true Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, of the latest heretical invention (and extremely cunning !) of the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics of the so called (and illegitimate !) “order” of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). This official publication of the true Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile) is just another confirmation that the times are evil, as foretold in the Holy Scripture, and that these willful servants of Satan will stop at nothing to continue their evil service to their master the devil, by his diabolical instigation, to destroy more and more souls...this Holy Apostolic See fully condemns and reprobates this latest, horrible and, alongside all the others, SSPX heresy and declares excommunicated all who follow it, specially reserved to the judgment of this same Holy Apostolic See of Rome, by the Authority of the true Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I...


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