How To Deal With Evil Spirits (From The Swedenborg Foundation)

1 year ago

Are there negative spiritual influences at work in our lives? How do they operate, and what can we do about them?

Original YouTube Video:

From 00:18:50 to 00:34:14 on this video, a psychiatrist describes his experience with patients who regularly who hear negative, destructive voices. Some of the things that this psychiatrist has learned about these negative voices include:

1. The voices have access to negative memories that the patient may have forgotten. They use these dark memories to make the patient feel bad about themselves and get them upset.

2. The voices only say and do negative things.

3. Acting as energy vampires, the voices attempt to generate negative feelings so they can feed off them.

While the psychiatrist (and Emanuel Swedenborg) says that these voices are spiritual beings that are not visible to earthly eyes, it is important to realize that our own inner voices (and negative impulses) manifest very similar qualities.

Then the psychiatrist described a very fascinating “cookie cutter” phenomenon. He said that once the voices realized he was on to them, they engaged in four very predictable behaviors. Surprisingly, these four “cookie cutter” behaviors were the same no matter who the patient was, or what hospital they were in. Swedenborg’s experiences with evil spirits also indicated that these energies are very predictable.

So what did the voices do once they realized the psychiatrist was onto them?

1. They got very loud and tried to block out what the psychiatrist was saying.

2. If that failed, the voices told the patient that the psychiatrist was crazy, full of crap, a complete nutcase.

3. If that failed, the voices told the patient to get away from the psychiatrist; to leave the hospital and run away.

4. And finally, if all of the above failed, the voices encouraged the patient to physically attack the therapist.

The psychiatrist mentioned that one of the ways he was able to gain the trust of his patients was by telling them in advance how the voices would begin to act when the patient started listening to him.

So what can be done to deal with this destructive voices? Listen from 00:34:14 to 00:53:30. In this part of the video, we learn that Swedenborg was able to gain immunity through knowledge. Instead of believing in what dark voices tell us, we should study, cling to, and identify with spiritual truth.

How do you get rid of the voices? The psychiatrist discovered these four things helped:

1. Putting a rubber band around the patient’s wrist and snapping it caused a thunderstorm like sensation of static electricity that upset the voices and forced them to retreat, temporarily.

2. Have the patients specifically ask Christ or their guardian angels to shut the voices up.

3. The voices were especially sensitive to the 23rd Psalm and Amazing Grace. They couldn’t stand either one. The voices also couldn’t can’t stand anything positive, including positive religious texts.

4. Give the patients as much information as possible without setting the voices off. Tell the patients that they are different from the voices.

Once the voices had been forced to leave, the psychiatrist emphasized how important it was to fill the empty space with positive things. If you didn’t, the voices returned, sometimes stronger than before.

Related Links:

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