Teens Bully Boy At Burger King

1 year ago

Teens Mock Boy At Burger King

Bullying is picking on someone for no reason and subjecting them to the bully's personal frustrations. Bullying is now a trending topic, more people are standing up to bullies with support from strangers like this boy’s experience at his local Burger King. Kids who are prepared to respond to bullying may have a better chance of avoiding it. Remember, it takes a lot of strength and courage for kids to report bullying. Please don't engage in victim-blaming or criticizing your child for getting bullied. Bullying is a choice made by the bully and is never the responsibility of the victim. Kids need to be prepared if confronted by a bully, they should start by developing assertiveness skills, work on self-esteem, and improve their social skills. Being bullied is difficult for kids to deal with and there are no easy answered to stop it, most often kids are feeling helpless, vulnerable, confused, shocked, embarrassed, and upset. Check this out right here right now: https://linktr.ee/foxiblu

7 Tip To Deal With Bulling

1.Ignore the bully, not reacting is often the most effective response to bullying," says Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, marriage and family therapist in Washington, DC. Bullies are looking for a reaction, they want their target to get angry, embarrassed, or cry.

2. Tell The Bully To STOP: They often target kids they can intimidate. As a result, telling a bully to stop in a strong and confident voice can be very effective

3. Make A Joke:
Some kids are funny and find it easy to laugh with the bully, this demonstrates confidence and diffuses the bully's taunts. When a child laughs with the bully, it diffuses power the bully thought they had.

4. Avoid Bullying Hot Spots
Sometimes, you can prevent bullying by avoiding the places where bullies hang out. Bullying hot spots include areas like the far corners of the playground, vacant hallways, bathrooms, locker rooms, and the back of the bus. Instead of walking the same way home, have your child change their route, walk with a group of friends, take the bus, and/or get a ride,

5. Surround Stick With Friends
Bullies usually target kids who are alone or socially isolated, explain that hanging out with friends is a great way to prevent bullying

6. Escape the Situation
defend themselves against bullies who are physical. Make sure your child knows where the exit are and to use them when necessary. Other effective methods are to make a lot of noise, carry a whistle, attract attention, learn methods on deflecting any type of physical aggression.

7. Report the Bullying to an Adult Immediately
Dr. Lewis says to impress upon your child, to report bullying it right away...without adult intervention, bullying often will continue or escalate. Once bullying becomes a pattern, it's more difficult to stop.

click here now for more great info: https://linktr.ee/foxiblu

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