2 years ago

They have pulsed a magnetic beacon. So not only will people be biologically changed, but they will be tagged. And this is owned and operated by Rockefeller. This is part of the barcode for life initiative to tag and identify all life forms, no longer will any life form be pure. So that's basically what they're doing is tweaking us enough that we can be patented. This COVID situation is the first deployment of a construct a new life form. They have learned how to fuse biological life and robotics. And the purpose of that is for extermination, because they don't want anything of the old world. They want a new world. And they want by 2025, all the old humans eradicated. And any human from now on basically has to be engineered in a laboratory, and enhanced and augmented and part of the matrix. They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. Each one of us right now has 20 to 30,000 nanoparticles. They wanted to put chips in people's brains, but they didn't want to have to do surgery. So after many, many years, they came up with a gel. This gel is called hydrogel or quantum dot Bill Gates is What will happen with the vaccine is you get it injected into you. And then it assembles itself assembles and then it swarms through your body and it crosses your blood brain barrier and it takes over your brain. It harvests your fluids in your body, your moisture, as it grows, and it grows until we are no longer human we are consumed. We are known in the quantum computer and the biological self dies, because there is nothing left. The only way to avoid it is to say no to the COVID test to the vaccination, there will be a hydrogel mask, where every breath that you take, you will be breathing in these hydrogel particles. they've deployed all these sim BIOS nano sim BIOS into our body. They can carry a poison and it is told it gets us marching orders from the frequency that is being a data like I said with the masks, the COVID test and the vaccine. It is critical not to take it it's Bioware cumulative, which means the more you get out of it, it stays in your body and it will not go out.

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