(六)Dylan Lee's Review 5A 20220130 on Liao Fan's Four Lessons 英文字幕 英國英語口音《Arrogance Brings Failure》

2 years ago

5349 So when the result was announced he got it, he just said that he got it, and it was in Beijing. Then he talked about other people being able to, 收斂 I'm talking about qualities of people who are deserving of merits. Mr. Ding was very humble, very careful. At the same time, he can withstand slanders without jumping at it straightaway.

5423 Because this kind of slander, like what Liao Fan talked about in the First Chapter, is like holding a flaming torch against the sky, one day it will burn out. If you're trying to rebut against that, or trying to debate against that, it will get muddier and muddier. It is like trying to use your muddy hand to wipe something clean. I forgot the other metaphor, but the thing is that sometimes you just (need to) leave it be, let it die itself.

5452 The other people, Mr. Feng, he also could hide his talent without showing it unnecessarily 收斂 虛己斂容 大變其幼年之習so he could empty himself, not full of himself, not full of whatever he was good at and he can hide, not hide but keep a low profile. When he was younger, Mr. Feng was a bit more arrogant or maybe more showy? So other case is Mr. Lee, as well. 李霽巖 He had a friend who was very strict, like, immediately criticized him in front of others and all that, like, what you did wrong, you are not good and all that.

5602 Yeah, right in front of his face, in front of everyone. He just talked about his weaknesses and all that. He could take it and take it without a face of anger. He could take it. And he didn't even mention a word. Imagine someone standing in front of you, in front of all your family and colleagues and all that, he just talks about all your problems and all that. Then he can just smile and take it in without a word. So he gave another summary.

5633 Every fortune has its beginning. So you can see how this person begins to have fortune and also, every disaster has its beginning. You can see how every disaster has its buds, buddings coming out. When these people who are behaving like that, you can see already, deduce, yes, like Sherlock Holmes, you can deduce what’s going to happen.

5658 This is all doable, guys. This is doable. They're not some magical property in our sense, it can be learned and if you are very, very adept at examining yourself and able to cultivate very good at controlling emotions and harnessing properly and cultivate, we call it cultivate, properly. Then, when you look at other people, you immediately know what kind of person is this, what kind of person is this, you don't need to think about it, you just see, you understand, you see the historical behavior of this person and then see, you can deduce where this person is going.

5735 Same thing. So this is very interesting. All of these fortunes and disasters, they're all together, 福兮禍兮 禍兮 福兮 in Chinese. If there's a disaster, it’s a blessing in disguise, there’s a blessing in the disaster, if there is a disaster, there's a blessing in there. If there's a fortune, the disaster hidden in there, if not managed properly. So, if your heart is truly humble, it's not full like a mountain, but as deep as a valley, is able to accept everything, then definitely you will be repaid 天必報之 (by the Heaven).

So, he talked about how this person definitely got the good karma, good fortune of passing the Imperial Examination.

10122 So this is what happened. And yes, same thing, people who are very humble, they don't act, what he talked about before naturally admitting humbleness. They're not full of themselves. I think we all know, like, when you meet someone like that, they are just like that they're not acting or anything. They're just humble.

I also want to confess a bit like, I get a little bit too doubtful of people. I need to learn from this, like, see things as they are. People sometimes are just like that. Just because we learned about Chapter 3, that they are not always on the surface, doesn't mean that we need to guess if this is real or fake? No, I think I have a conclusion that, an opinion, that we need to see things as they are like, yes, this person might be faking it or not, doesn't matter. If that person is truly humble, you will know. They will show it through their actual everyday life, whether you see or not.

10223 If this person is not, it's just putting a face eventually will have to be facing a test. Everyone has to be tested. And that test you will not pass if it's not real. So be real, and learn what is real and then you will carry on to your next life or the Pure Land, you still need it anyway in the Pure Land.

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