(Removed from YouTube) LIVE Giuliani testifies—Georgia Senate subcommittee continues .. (Dec. 30)

2 years ago

This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service

This video was removed after April 17th, 2021

This Video has been stitch edited and cleaned up.

Some of you might not have seen the content of this video and what got it removed.

It is Part 2 of the December, 30th 2020 Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues.

Part 1: https://rumble.com/vuzshe-many-more-reasons-why-a-full-forensic-audit-is-needed-in-georgia-for-the-20.html

Valuable and impacting testimony from election volunteers of the State of Georgia 2020 Election.
Trump lawyer Mayor Rudy Giuliani testifies before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues:

'This Election will live in History, the dirtiest Election, the most crooked Election, the most Manipulated Election in American History.'

'76% of European Countries do not allow Mail-in ballots, for the very reason that they invite fraud.'

'People in Fulton County were instructed not to look at the Signatures, they were instructed to do that and you have testimony to that effect.'

If you look at the fact that:
- 2,560 Felons voted
- 15,700 people voted in Georgia that changed their address before the Election
- 40,000 failed to re-register before they voted
- 10,315 people that we can determine from obituaries were dead when they voted

They have tested the Dominion Machines in Michigan, you can:
- Invade them
- Get in them
- Change the vote (read the Dominion manual, the manual says you can change the vote)
- Fractionize the vote
- You shouldn't be able to move votes from Trump to Biden or Biden to Trump, well you can do that in the Dominion Machine

His Ex-Military People (who did this work for the N.S.A. and the United Strates Military) have inspected 22 Dominion Machines were able to:
- Every time they would count in the Machine they would get a different count (Coffee County in Georgia had this problem)
- Move votes, massive number of votes from one side to another
- They caught in this County 6,000 votes having been moved from Trump to Biden, which had to be reversed

'Let's not keep recounting the same crooked votes that we counted in the first place'

Let us examine the ballots
Let us examine the Machines

These allegations were made by numerous witnesses

Forget the criticism

Trial Lawyer shares evidence before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues:

From the State Farm Arena Video Footage after 11 PM:
- Desk 1 scanned the same Set of ballots 3 (three) times
- Desk 2 scanned the same Set of ballots 4 (four) times

He Served an Open Records Request on Fulton County

No Judges are being assigned to hear their cases

Election Poll Manager testifies before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues:

Please look into the Technology:
- The Poll Pads
- The No-Ink Software that is on the Poll Pads

Poll Pads, it's basically an iPad:
- Scans the Voter ID's
- Wi-Fi Enabled
- Sync's in Realtime to the Local Boards of Election
- Show the 'Poll Worker' the Voters Party of Choice
- Loads the ballot onto a green card the size of a credit card

It is required that if a 'Poll Watcher' is to be in the enclosed area, a list of 'Poll Watchers' will be in this binder.

Lucus was in her enclosed area for the entire day, he was a software person, she was told.

He sat at the end of the 'Poll Pad Station' the entire day

He used his Cell phone, strict rules no one is to use a Cell phone in the enclosed area except the 'Poll Manager' and the person at the provisional table.

The first issue they had on the 'Poll Pad', this was not related to Absentee ballots, when a Drivers License was scanned, the voter went through the process on the 'Poll Pad', they had walked away and came back.

The person working at the 'Poll Pad' called her over, it said that 'This voter has already voted' on the 'Poll Pad', the voter said 'I didn't vote, it didn't work in the machine', but another voter had already gone to that machine.

They went to the 'Poll Pad' manual, that was not an option as an error.

They turned to the Software person didn't have an explanation or an answer..

They cancelled that card and re-issued it. She made a note that she would have a cancelled ballot at that time. They re-issued that voter card to that voter so he could vote.

The screen came up a few more times, someone stated that she should not have cancelled that ballot, she should have just re-issued the card.

She mentioned that she should be off one, however in the middle of the afternoon when the assistant manager was doing this report, he said 'Oh great, our numbers are balanced' an he used to be the manager of that location.

She didn't understand how their numbers were correct, ..she was thinking in her head that we should have one off.

Worked at the 'Voter Fraud Line':

She received multiple calls that they had received the same screen that she had received 'This voter has already voted', which she thought was odd.

One specific 'Poll Manager' said that he had received the screen on over twenty (20) voters. It stuck out to him that he received the screen, because to him the voters were all young, they seem to be first time voters, they were in their late teens early twenties. He was in a predominantly Republican area, so to him that stuck out to him that they were all young voters. For her, her voters were also Republican, but were not young, so she didn't make a correlation with the age.

Democrat ballots had one QR-Code on them and Republican ballots had two QR-Codes on it and they were directed to different scanners.

If an 'Assistant Poll Manager' tells her that he doesn't have time to remove a sign that a Democrat puts out, that is a call to the Democrat office for voter fraud that's right outside the door of a voting location because he doesn't have time.

Election Poll Worker/Watcher testifies that '..verifying ..vote with that signature that ..scribbled on the electronic pad ..'

'.. comparing these signatures to that little electronic pad that people just scribble their name on when they go get their drivers license at the Georgia department of driver service.'

Verifying the signatures on our absentee ballots

'.. they are single handedly without oversight, our elected officials took away some of the safeguards for verification on these signatures which you can see, is ridicules to be verifying ..vote with that signature that ..scribbled on the electronic pad ..'

Introducing: Jovan Hutton Pulitzer (First time before Committee)
Jovan informed the Committee:
'At this very moment at a polling location in the County, not only do they now have access through the devices to the 'Poll Pad' the system, but they are in. And it's not supposed to have Wi-Fi and that's not supposed to be able to happen. So they have documented now, it's communicating two ways in real-time, meaning it's receiving data and sending data, should never happen, shouldn't be Wi-Fi. We've now documented it in real-time, ..but that's going on right there where everybody's voting. And I just wanted to get it into the record.'

Data Scientist present Hard Data before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues:

Three separate Data Sources:
- 1st. From New York Times - Edison Data Source is a time series based data
- 2nd. Feeds that Data Source (feeds Edison Data Source) - The SCYTL Data Source - Sends the Data to the Edison Data feed and sends that to the Secretary of State
- 3rd. Secretary of State Data

There was Fraud in Georgia's Election, they can prove it with Data and because they can prove it with Data, they ..voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was Certified by the Secretary of State.

'Based on our extensive analysis across Precinct, County and State voting results, we have identified over forty (40) Data points or negative voting or out right vote switching across candidates, has totaled over 200,000 votes.'

'.. So what's important to NOTE here, is that in alignment with standard fraud investigations, we've applied a rigorous systematic and sophisticated process that has consistently identified Data points that other industries including financials services would label as suspicious activity or definitively be declared fraudulent.'

'.. Please understand that the Data that you Secretary of State is office is Certifying with is the same Data that shows these negative decrements, is the same Data that they are receiving, is what the New York Times is Reporting, is what the Networks are Reporting.

So either the Secretary of States Office is recording and Certifying Results that have negative errors and fraudulent votes in them or someone is giving them negative information. Were not here to point fingers, were just here to tell you that the Certification of votes, and the votes that were submitted for the State of Georgia have negative swings in them, and have decrements in them, and these are errors, and they are not representative for the State of Georgia, and how the State of Georgia's voters, voted.'

Trump lawyer Co-cousel Ray Smith testifies before Georgia Senate subcommittee Hearing on election issues:

'.. last week ..there was testimony from the Secretary of State through it's counsel Ryan Germany that they sent letters to 8,000 ..voters, 8,000 people who voted illegally on November 3rd and told them not to vote on Tuesday, ..8,000 people, told them not vote ..in the U.S. Senate race. That's almost three-fourths (3/4) of the margin of victory of November 3rd, so that almost wipes out that entire margin right there.'

'They also admitted that the 15,700 N.C.O.A. folks were files, they also admitted that they had a ninety percent (90%) accuracy rate. Well Ok, ninety percent (90%), what does that leave? That leaves ten percent (10%), we had a less than one percent (<1%) margin, less than one percent (<1%) margin, but their admitting that there's still a ten percent (10%) margin that's not accurate.'

The original video was over 3 hours in length, this has been reduced to just over 2 hours, rotated some video clips that were sideways in the original video and more difficult to read, this reduced length video comes with valuable and impacting testimony from election volunteers of the State of Georgia 2020 Election.

The most impactful witnesses


DECEMBER 30, 2020

The Second Session of the 155th
Georgia General Assembly

This was at least the 4th Hearing in Georgia and showing even more reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Georgia.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News recording of the 'Georgia Senate subcommittee holds hearing on election issues' on 12/30/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

1.5 Hour Original Source:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSfbEiV-Uxg (Removed)

This video was referenced below 'Watch Part 2 Here' on the following page:

Right Side Broadcasting Network has the full 5+ Hour Video that includes Part 1 & 2 from the December 30th, 2020 Hearing:
LIVE: Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election Fraud 12/30/20

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