Proponent Testimony for Ivermectin SD HB1267 by Kevin Hunter

2 years ago

Support Kevin Hunter's Advocacy-
Kevin spent 4 months in the hospital because of hospital policy and CDC procedure for Covid MIS-treatment of patients. It's time to put an end to this. Your donations help Kevin and his family help others in crisis and educate Americans on how to beat a rigged medical system. Kevin's family is dealing with a huge stack of medical bills that could have been avoided and prevented with Ivermectin. Your donations will assist Kevin is publishing weekly or twice weekly videos so people know how bad the US medical system is.

The South Dakota Legislature is in the process of passing legislation to enable doctors and medical professionals to dispense Ivermectin for patients who wish to use it for early treatment of Covid. This bill passed the SD House and is headed to the Senate. Share the video and encourage the South Dakota Senate Health and Human Services Committee to advance this bill to the Senate floor for a vote. This bill is in South Dakota, but every state in this great nation needs to take action and take back their medical freedoms and send Dr. Faucci and his cronies to jail.

Whether you agree with the use of Ivermectin or not, giving citizens a choice and access to choose for themselves is within the Constitution. Banning an inexpensive and safe solution for a health problem so big pharma and hospitals can make more money, that is, take our tax money to themselves, is corrupt and immoral and against our God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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