Dr Malone is dead wrong (on this)

2 years ago

Dr Robert Malone is dead wrong.

Ok before you comment that I am an idiot and have no idea what I am talking about. I mean I certainly didn’t develop the mRNA technology that is the core mechanism of many of the current vaccines like Dr Malone did. I think he is fantastic and has brought many issues to light that would have otherwise been overlooked.

HAve a listen to this and I will explain further…

Malone predicts that vaccination will cause evolution of the virus to become more pathogenic. He predicts this because he believes in the precepts of evolution. The fact is there is absolutely no chance this virus will become increasingly pathogenic for one simple reason…. evolution is false ….and certainly false in the way Dr Malone understands it.

Vaccination will certainly drive escape mutants, that is for sure…. but these escape mutants will become more and more comparable to the common cold.

Natural selection and RNA errors within the virus are real …. but they can virtually never by random chance continually increase pathogenicity in a virus. They do the exact opposite. As the RNA mutates, errors increase within the RNA of the virus causing it to become less and less functional. This translates into less and less pathogenicity (or disease causing ability) by the virus. This is why Omicron is much less pathogenic then Delta. While this general downward trend of pathogenicity is predictable and observable…. there may be one or two variations in this. For example there is some proof that Delta may be more pathogenic then the original alpha variant.

These RNA viruses degenerate quicker than DNA and therefore their pathogenicity degenerates even quicker than a DNA organism. I would assume, but do not have any proof to back this up, that manmade viruses such as COVID are probably inherently unstable and even more likely to degenerate quicker.

Think of the virus like a machine, and the RNA like the instruction manual for the machine. One can understand quite quickly that random changes in the instruction manual are unlikely to improve the machine in a functional way. …and given that those errors are rapidly occuring they are overwhelming any method in which the virus can remove errors that can harm its function.

These degenerate viruses can only take over from the previous variant if they are more infective or escape the holding effect of vaccines. The question you should be asking me is if a virus becomes less functional how can it become more infective. The answer is simply that as the RNA is degenerating it removes some of the barriers within the virus that slows the spread. It is yet to be determined the exact nature of this with Omicron but there is also another potential reason for the increase in infectivity in Omicron. It seems that vaccinated people are more likely to catch and spread OMicron. There is a mechanism called Antibody dependant enhancement. There is a scenario whereby the vaccinated population have developed an antibody that can coat viruses with antibodies making them more likely to enter the human cell and therefore cause infection. This happens as immunity wears off…. ie: there is enough immunity to catch the virus but not enough to kill it.

There is no need to feed into the fear porn narrative in this. New dangerous virus’s degenerate quickly and we have seen this repeatedly over the last 100 years. The most obvious example of this is the H1N1 Spanish Flu of 1913 which caused significant more mortality than COVID. It quickly degenerated and became less and less pathogenic until it eventually went extinct in 2006.

Not to say that COVID cannot reappear…. given man’s propensity to engineer virus’s it seems that they are likely to do it again.

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