President Trump Endorses GOP Politicians?

2 years ago

20 AZ GOP House members Voted 4 the National Popular Vote in 2016 Ending Electoral College & Trumps Endorsing 2 of them.
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Let me open by 1st stating the following Facts about how I supported Trump in 2016 for President, attending his 1st Rally at Mesa Gateway Airport, and at the Convention Center in Phoenix. My wife Jean and I attended several Republican meetings in and outside Maricopa County bringing yard signs for Donald Trump challenging attendees to take them, we gave out over 200 signs, having to convince many attending to do so. We also placed signs throughout the west valley for Trump and Sheriff Joe in 2016.

In the 2020 election we did the same, knowing Maricopa County Recorder Fontez couldn't be trusted to operate an Honest Election Process, and Fontez proved my mistrust of him and others in Maricopa County to be Valid, Recorder Richer and the Maricopa County Supervisors claim they're Conservative Republicans and Defended the County Voting System, which I believe is Broken and has been for years.

AZ Voters Wake Up to the Fact that 20 Republican House Members Voted 4 the National Popular Vote in 2016, and this is no different then what Marxist in DC are attempting to do now by ending the 60 Vote Rule in the Senate, and passing their Voting Rights Act, and Trump endorsing 2 of them proves President Trump didn't do his homework once again proven by other Endorsements he handed out to McCain, Romney, Graham, McConnell, McSally all who betrayed him and us on many issues and are still Never Trumpers, and we're asking AZ Voters to do is Hold those he endorsed accountable for their Un Constitutional Votes.

Question to AZ Voters is, will you Vote 4 anyone in 2020 knowing what they've done and the lame excuses they now give Voters for Violating their Oath of Office and the U.S. Constitution, as the Intent of the Bill was to END the Electoral College?

The 20 Republican House members voted 4 the National Popular Vote in 2016 were actually protected by GOP Leadership keeping facts from AZ Voters, with some still in office running in 2022, and some running for Higher Office, and of course a couple of them use the excuse they didn't understand what they were doing at the time, and the Lobbyist told them it wouldn't change anything, this Lame Excuse for Violating their Oath of Office, U.S. Constitution and the Republican Platform when I and others know some knew because they were told at LD meetings by us and still Voted the way the Lobbyist told them to.

I don't believe anything they say, and some in Leadership in the AZ House then why would anyone Trust them now, it's quite clear what the National Popular Vote would do and I know it was explained thoroughly what it would do at LD meetings by those opposed to it, but they voted as the Lobbyist and GOP leaders in the House told them to do, there's no going back and allowing any of them not to be exposed for what they did then, and the poor excuse they're giving now, how could they be trusted or believed with the excuse they give, and if they were fooled then that's just another reason not to Vote for them, and hopefully AZ Voters will see through the Excuse and not Vote for them, Link to Article with Names of those who Violated the U.S. Constitution, Oath of Office and Republican Platform see if someone you support is on it, and then decide what to do using say your pledge of allegiance as a standard; (, I hope you take the time to see who did this and for the sake of time here are a couple of Names running for office; Finchem running for AZ Secretary of State, Livingston running in LD 28 for the AZ House again, these people don't deserve to be in office at any level.

AMERICA WAKE UP, STAND UP, and SPEAK UP EVERYWHERE YOU GO NOW! If you chose not to Wake Up, then you'll live if FEAR of the Pres., V.P., AG, Military Commanders, Senators, Congressmen, CIA, FBI, IRS and every other Federal Agency, and then you can move onto your State Governors, Legislators, AGs, County DAs, Supervisors, Recorders, Mayors, City Council, School Boards, I hope you get the picture and this doesn't include all the other Rogue Officials Elected & Appointed, if you don't believe this then you're just not paying attention to what's going on in AZ and across the Country, they're using Fear to make you Obey them, that's right Obey, so if you've already decided Fear is better than Freedom we'll pray for you, however also realize you must pray for yourself and then get off your knees and begin to Exercise All Your God Granted Rights.

President Eisenhower in his farewell address in 1961 warned us about the Military & Government, unfortunately most either didn't hear it or don't remember the warning, and years later Liberal Democrat Senator Frank Church of Idaho also warned of what the Intelligence Service could do to us if Our Government was ever in the hands of Dictatorial type of government such as Marxist or Communist, similar to today's leaders.

The Old Political Guard of both Parties sold out to the Industrial Military & Government Complex Decades ago if not a Century or more and we need to get Control of All Agencies and Depts. and End what could be their Ability to Enslave US, rather than to serve us, we hope this doesn't frighten or disturb you, however time to realize that those in charge for the most part haven't been serving us for quite some time, so when you look for someone to Vote for find out where they stand on these Issues no matter the Office they're now running for, as history has proven many of them find ways to Work their Way up the Politically Corrupt Ladder.

The Political Powers used 9/11 to pass bills like CISPA, NDAA, Patriot Act giving them the authority to violate our God Granted Rights, this was done in the name of Security, and all we needed to do is give up some of Our Freedoms, well our founders warned us if you give up some Freedom for Security soon you'll have neither, well how Secure and Free do you feel now with All Levels of Government deciding when and where we can eat, drink, travel etc., these people are Tyrannical Government Terrorists who believe they and they're Sponsors like Soros, Gates etc. We the People can't make our own decisions which by the way is what Built the USA into the Greatest Nation in History, so pay attention and don't Support anymore of these People No Matter What Party they belong to.

We're in a Political Civil War of GOOD vs. Evil / U.S.A.'s Shadow Marxist Government and this includes those in the Republican Party who vote with the Socialist continuing funding for Biden's Plans, and the choices you make in the 2022 Primary election cycle are critical to the outcome of All Americans Rights, Freedoms & Liberties, and the One Tool we have is to speak out against it, and find others in our midst who'll run for office to remove the Career Politicians concerned about their Careers and not Our God Granted Rights and Freedoms.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however what has been taking place over past Decades in the Church has helped lead us into this present danger in DC, and many State Governments as well, so unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall before Waking Up and once again forming a Black Robe Movement in America?

We also post on,,,https://,,,, and of course our website:, as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants.

Please call the AZ. Corp. Comm. and ask them to step up and join O'Connor and Olsen in Defending Our God Granted Rights, and if they don't then demand they Resign along with the Maricopa County Recorder and Supervisors, and any other elected or appointed officials in AZ and the U.S.A., here's the Phone # to call to inform AZ. Corp. Commissioners what We the People Expect them to do.

Please Call: AZ Corp. Commissioners Office. ( 602) 542-3026.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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