NASA's Human to Ai Robot Plan for us all. - A MUST SHARE !

2 years ago

It's not like a World-Wide De-Population Agenda is written in Stone or anything - well you obviously haven't heard about the Georgia Guidestones. DUCK DUCK GO is the search Engine to use. If you dont know by now GOOGLE is corrupt and prioritizes not just paid searches results at the top of their lists... but search results that agree with the political views of the owners of Google.... I really hope that statement made sense to everyone reading this.. and agree with it..
If NOT... FUCK OFF ... the ROBBO DA YOBBO Rumble channel aint for you C@NTS !!!
What is = Bill Gates ID 20 program
Why Is = "DR" Bill Gates.. oh sshhh not a DR involved with the kill shot ??
If on the Georgia guidestones they want to reduce the population of the PLANE-T by 90 %...
and they want to inject you with a EXPERIMENTAL Kill Shot.. that will not only alter your DNA but put a nice NANO-CHIP in your system... MULTIPLIED by the Graphene Oxide that is creating ... like in all those movies spiderman etc. where the camera goes in to the skin and you see little lightning bolts going through the skin and altering the DNA // RNA and you get super powers...
Well.... your super power is that you are now a walking 5G antenna, plugged in to the MATRIX .. so to speak.

If 5G towers re so safe why are they HIDING and DISGUISING them as Chimneys - in church steeples - as fake trees and cactus in the desert. ??

The graphene oxide in the kill shots is a building block.. for nano circuits...
as in..... If you dont die in the next 2 -5 years... your DNA has not only changed enough for you to be a PATENT .. a PRODUCT if you will...
BUT the G.Oxide will create a string of little robots through your body...
and again through the 5G network you will be a victim of any frequency based device and can be controlled
- voices in the head.
- serious ringing in the ear. constantly
- weird emotional swings - aggression to full depression and in between.
- Immune system full shut down - stroke - organ failure - random internal bleeding..


solution... V@xxed or not.. STAND THE FUCK UP and support your fellow man..
"Their " slogan is .. PROTECT OTHERS... get v@xxed... ( for a 99.7 % survival rate - V@x doesnt stop you from GETTING.. NOR Spreading NOR dying from the 99.7 % survival rate... which would class it as a common flu... " deadly virus ??? "
Who the FUUUUCKKKK are you protecting ?????

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get in to CRYPTO real fast.. and spend your profits on Zombie Apocalypse .. bug out gear... SEEDS...a long life food.. - alternate energy sources...
THINK EMP.. NO power !!!!!
no communication ... no internet.. NO ATMS - petrol // gas stations running... Sewage plants not processing.... toilets will back up ..
no fridge - no electric cooking !!!!

Never has there been a better time to start prepping...
dont need to buy shit that you cant still take camping if the world doesnt go to shit...

but start think.. What YOU as the leader of your family unit would do .. IF there is no power... !!!! and money aint worth SHIT !!!?!?!?!?

Robbo out..
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