Senator Pauline Hanson Speaks the Truth in The Senate

2 years ago

Senator Pauline Hanson is one of the handful of Elected Federal Politicians that stands up for the everyday Australian who wants their rights returned, stolen by State leaders over the last 2 years and only conditionally returned if you take an experimental injection. The injection is a failed attempt at defeating COVID. The data is in from so many real life examples of countries that have forced vaccinated vast numbers of their populations. UK,Israel, Gibralter, Austria,Iceland and the high vaccination rates have resulted in higher case numbers than they had before the pandemic. When are our leaders going to acknowledge that academia, regulators, experts and big pharma failed the public and sold them a lemon? Its time to move on and go with Ivermectin and the FLCCC protocols, launch Royal Commission's into the TGA, The Covid 19 Task Force, our relationship with the WHO and the role that NGO's i.e The Gates Foundation. But first the people want their freedoms back and good on Pauline Hanson and the other supporting members for crossing the floor. The States are bragging about the high vaccination rates but forget that the majority of people who bent the knee and took the injection did it because of coercion and manipulation from their state governments, not voluntarily.This is shown by the hundreds of thousands of people who marched on the weekend to show their disgust and we are coming for you Premiers, your CHO and the regulators and we will have you.

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