Candace Owens Destroys Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution - 11/15/21

2 years ago

Tucker Carlson - Candace Owens On “White Supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse” -

Tucker Carlson: The Mainstream and Social Media Were Completely Wrong About Kyle Rittenhouse

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial continued today in Wisconsin. In a move that surprised lawyers everywhere, Rittenhouse took the stand in his own defense. That is unusual in criminal cases, and it's especially unusual in murder trials. And the reason is simple: the stakes are too high. One wrong answer in a cross-examination, and you could wind up spending life in prison.

But this case was different. By the time he testified today, Kyle Rittenhouse had already won the case. At this point, there was no remaining doubt that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense during the riots last summer in Kenosha. Every shot Rittenhouse fired was captured on videotape, and from multiple angles. Every single witness who testified this week at the trial confirmed exactly what happened.

And here are the facts of it.

A convicted child rapist called Joseph Rosenbaum was released from a mental hospital, then went directly to join the mob that was burning downtown Kenosha. Once he got to the riot, Rosenbaum saw Kyle Rittenhouse and immediately threatened to kill him. Rosenbaum then chased Rittenhouse and tried to pull the gun from his hands. When he did that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot him.

So Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor. At this point, Rittenhouse ran to find police. A mob then chased him down the street, howling for his death. A rioter jumped on Rittenhouse and knocked him to the ground, another smashed him in the face with a skateboard. Yet another drew a loaded gun and pointed it in his face. Kyle Rittenhouse shot the second two men, one of them fatally.

So those are the facts, and there's no way to interpret them, except for what they are. The exercise of self-defense. Kyle Rittenhouse shot people so he would not be killed.

But if you take a step back from the Rittenhouse story, you see something else entirely, you see violent insanity completely out of control in the middle of an American city. And the question is how did that happen in our country and why did nobody stop it?

And it wasn't just happening in Kenosha, of course. Violent mobs at the same moment overwhelmed New York and Minneapolis and Portland and many other cities. They killed at least a dozen people. They caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. They burned businesses. They torched police stations. They bombed courthouses. They invaded suburban neighborhoods in the middle of the night purely to intimidate people because of their race.

Democrats applauded all of this as it happened. Most Republicans just ignored it. And of course, the media lied about it. In Kenosha, the police barely even showed up. Officers in armored cruisers sat and watched as rioters torched a car lot with more than 100 vehicles in it. And they did nothing to stop the chaos.

The question, then, is how exactly are we surprised when a 17-year-old lifeguard from Illinois decides to step in? They hate it when you say that, but it's an entirely fair question. When legitimate authority refuses to do its duty, its sworn duty, others will fill the vacuum. That is always true. It's a physics principle.

But rather than acknowledge that obvious truth and accept the responsibility they bear, the people who made these riots possible in the first place decided instead to crush Kyle Rittenhouse. Joe Biden publicly called him a White supremacist, something for which someday we very much hope he is sued, because it's totally outrageous and false. Members of Congress called him a domestic terrorist.

Today, Kyle Rittenhouse spoke for himself. See what you think.

RITTENHOUSE: Once I take that step back, I look over my shoulder and Mr. Rosenbaum was now running from my right side and I was cornered from in front of me with Mr. Kaminski. And there were three people right there.

So after a 10-minute break to compose himself, Kyle Rittenhouse returned to the courtroom and proceeded to blow up the prosecution's claim that he had racked his rifle in a threatening manner. It turns out he didn't rack his rifle at all. And video proved that. And then Rittenhouse explained why he turned himself in to police after the shootings.

RITTENHOUSE: People were saying, cranium him and get him, kill him. The people were screaming, and I just was trying to get to the police running down Sheridan Road.

DEFENSE: You say ‘I'm trying to get to the police.' Why were you trying to get to the police?

RITTENHOUSE: Because I didn't do anything wrong. I defended myself.

DEFENSE: Did you feel as though there was safety where the police were?


Posted By Tyler Stone
On Date November 11, 2021

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