My Experience Witnessing To A Atheist.

2 years ago

Most atheists have what I call the Don Quixote Syndrome. Let me explain. Cervantes wrote a book about Don Quixote a long time ago. Don Quixote would attack windmills as if they were his enemies. Of course a windmill is nobody's enemy. If what the atheist believes is REALLY his belief, then he would leave people like me alone. After all, if God did not exist, He and His followers would be no enemy to the atheist. We'd just be deluded people.

Therefore IF the atheist REALLY believes there is no God and the fool attacks a Christian, then he has the Don Quixote Syndrome because the Christian is not his enemy. Nevertheless, God is real and THAT is why atheists have all these organizations and debates to "prove" that God does not exist. Atheist reader, if you would just be true to what you purport to believe, then you wouldn't have the Don Quixote Syndrome.

There is hope for the atheist. He can be saved. In fact, there are plenty of atheists that have come to Jesus Christ. I refuse to argue with them, but will answer honest questions. Unfortunately, many atheists ignorantly say hard things against the Lord Jesus Christ and His people. Don't let fancy titles and big words shake your faith in the One who holds your eternal destiny.

Think about this: What does the atheist have to offer you? Eternal life? Spiritual comfort? Love? Kindness? Comfort in the midnight hour when no one is around? No, none of these. He has nothing to offer you but blasphemy, hell-fire and the wrath of God. The atheist will tell you fabulous fairy tales like ...

You were spontaneously generated from a rock,
a monkey is your daddy,
a fish is your cousin,
you have no hope,
you should just live for today,
when you're dead, you're dead.

If you follow their ignorant advice and die without Christ, you WILL forever regret it and you will remember that someone told you the truth and you scoffed.

Atheists try their hardest to argue a fact that is firmly established--God is real. You cannot look on His creation and its ways and honestly deny it. I won't argue that 2+2=4 and I won't argue that God exists. An atheist once wrote and said, "2+2 is not necessarily 4." Well, write any other number on your math test and see if you get it right.

The bottom line is that atheism is a false belief system composed of fools--it's not new--the Bible told us about atheism thousands of years ago. Is there a real atheist? No. The closest thing to it is someone who has told themselves a lie so many times that they begin to believe it's true.

If you are a professed Atheist, I ask you the question: Do you believe in aliens? Could not God be an alien? Yes, He most certainly is an alien. The dictionary defines the word “alien” as: “coming from or existing outside the earth or its atmosphere.” God is not of this world. The Bible teaches that God created the universe, which means that His presence transcends this universe.
It is contradictory for any Atheist to profess a belief in the existence of alien life (or at least the possibility thereof); while simultaneously denying the existence of God. If you believe that aliens may exist, then you certainly must concede that one of those aliens may be God.

Some people believe that the Pyramids of Egypt were built by aliens; but the Bible teaches that slave Israelites built the treasure cities of Pithom and Raamses for Pharaoh (Exodus 1:11). Evidence shows that it was mankind, and not aliens, that built the Pyramids of Egypt.

Perhaps you do not believe in alien life at all; but that would be speculation at best, because neither you nor anyone else can make such a claim with any confidence. How do you know that there is no alien life?

So whether an Atheist believes in alien life or not is irrelevant to the fact that no one can say with any certainty that God does not exist. This logical reasoning proves that there is no such thing as a TRUE Atheist, only those who choose to reside in their ignorance of something they do not know for certain. Any honest person must admit that there could be a God.

The fact that Atheists refuse to even consider the possibility that God exists is self-incriminating evidence against them, because they are willingly ignorant of the possibility that alien life may exist in the universe or beyond.

Clearly, Atheists are biased against the Truth of God’s Word, without any logical reason or justification for their prejudice. Logic dictates that alien life certainly may exist, and that means God.

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