Biden Surpasses FDR's Achievements

2 years ago

Conservatives Ridicule Biden while he Transforms America
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Kudlow, Hannity, Levin, Schlepp, and other conservative commentators are laughing at Biden and his fumbling through press conferences, public appearances, and most of his speaking opportunities to the American People, however while they're all mocking him and saying he doesn't know what he's doing he just continues moving forward with Policies that are doing what Obama threatened to Fundamentally Transform America.

( Contact your Federal & State Representatives and tell them to have Marine Lt. Col. Scheller released and all charges dropped, and then to Remove all those responsible for the Afghanistan Surrender, Retreat and Lies told the American Public from the Top Down. )

I know for them it seems to be a game, and gives them the opportunity to laugh publicly with funny sound bites to entertain their audience, however this misguided humor isn't helping to Stop the Socialist Democrats from turning the USA into a Communist State, and I believe they should be Calling on All Americans to Stand Up and Fight the Destruction of Our Republic and the Freedoms Granted US By God.

Biden knows he'll never run for Re Election and therefore has no Interest in his Poll Numbers, and also many Republicans will more than likely cave into the Socialists on the Debt Ceiling Raise, and the so called Infra Structure Bill, which will probably end up a bit over 2.5 Trillion rather than 5 Trillion which is actually about 10 Trillion when you add in the Interest, and the increased costs, and Republicans will call it a victory, which It's NOT, and helps them move us Farther into Socialism.

Many Republican'ts are still going along with the Socialists in DC, and in our States, we must face facts that old line GOP like George, Laura, and Jeb Bush along with the Obama's and Clintons believe it's Okay to spread the Illegal Haitians across our Nation, and this Cancer must be Removed from the GOP if it is to Succeed in the Future or in the present, please join other Americans who are speaking out against the Tyranny that is taking Our God Granted Freedoms from US and Our Children, or continue to sit silently by in your so called Security Blanket while Our Freedoms disappear as they did in Germany, Italy etc., and helped to Launch Genocide on the Jewish People and the eventual rise to Power of Russia, China, No. Korea, and so many other Communist States which led the Murders of at Least 169,000,000 not Including State Mandated Abortions, Stand UP Now while You still Can for the Sake of Future Generations here at Home and around the World, for if We Fall so Will the Free World or the Little that's left of It, remember what Our Founders said; If you give up a little Freedom for some Security soon you'll have Neither.

America is in a Political Civil War of GOOD vs. Evil, and the choices you make in the days and weeks ahead preparing for the 2022 Primary election cycle are critical to the outcome of All Americans Rights, Freedoms & Liberties, and the One Tool we have is to speak out against Evil, and find others in our midst who'll run for office to remove the Career Politicians who claim to be Con-servatives, when the only thing they want to conserve is their Careers and not Our God Granted Rights and Freedoms, as their records of compromise demonstrate.

I pray you'll Share this with Everyone you know, and bring them into Reality to Stand Up Now or we won't be able to Turn this Around later Dooming Our Children, Grandchildren, and Generations into a Lifetime of Marxist Slavery, as we live in the most Dangerous Time of any Generation in American History, the Time of America's Restoration or Total Demise is at Hand.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however what has been taking place over past Decades in the Church has helped lead us into this present danger in DC, and many State Governments as well, so unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall before Waking Up and once again forming a Black Robe Movement in America?

We also post on,,,https://,,,, and of course our website:, as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk

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