Biden’s Lies, Lies, and More Lies!, 3686

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.

So 13 American service men were killed in a bomb attack that Joe Biden is blaming on ISIS-K who, according to Biden, are the sworn enemies of the Taliban.

Also according to Biden, the responsibility for the bombing and nearly 200 deaths including the 13 Americans, should be placed on ISIS-K, and not on the Taliban upon whom he is dependent on to get anyone out of Kabul.

So what is ISIS-K? It is a subdivision of ISIL or ISIS, which is headquartered in some of the most eastern districts of Afghanistan bordering Pakistan. The K stands for the Khorasan province of Afghanistan.

Although rarely mentioned in the media until recently, the group emerged in 2014 as a splinter group of a Pakistani terror group, TTP. The group self-proclaimed that they were a part of ISIS or ISIL, however they have denied any connection.

ISIS K has had a bitter relationship with with the Taliban because they believe the Taliban’s version of Sharia law is too soft.

But when the Taliban took over Bagram Air Force Base they released, according to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, thousands of ISIS-K men being held prisoner. Kirby said he didn’t know how many ISIS-K terrorists were in the two prisons that the Taliban opened. Does that sound right? The US has two prisons and doesn’t know how many people are in them?

You have to hope that is not the case. You have to hope that the military knew exactly how many men were in the prisons. If the military actually didn’t know how many men were in the prison, how would they know if someone escaped?

It seems far more likely that the military knows the exact numbers, but doesn’t want to release them.
But whatever the actual number is, the “thousands” that Kirby admitted to, is a lot, and the Taliban, according to Biden, are the sworn enemies of ISIS-K but out of the goodness of their hearts, they just set them free.

The Taliban has no problem slaughtering people, if they came across thousands of their sworn enemies doesn’t it seem more likely they would have killed them in prison rather than letting them out to meet them later on the battlefield?

The saying “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” seems to come into play here. The Taliban hates America, ISIS-K hates America. Wouldn’t it make sense for the Taliban to let ISIS-K terrorists out of prison knowing that ISIS-K was likely to attack the US just like it did.

The suicide bomber, who the US says was ISIS-K, although considering the size of the bomb it seems unlikely there could be a definite identification of the body, had to make it through the streets of Kabul controlled by the Taliban and any number of Taliban checkpoints. The latest reports are that he carried 25 pounds of explosives, so it is a given he wasn’t searched and was allowed to get up to the gates of the airport.

How could he have done that without the assistance of the Taliban?

The suicide bomber could have been ISIS-K, but he didn’t get through all the checkpoints and to the gates without some agreement with the Taliban.

The truth of the matter is that Biden can’t admit that the Taliban had anything to do with the bombing because Biden is completely dependent on the Taliban to get Americans and Afghans who supported our troops out of Kabul.

It appears to be yet another lie from Biden who, has never had any problem lying to the American people before.

It does make you wonder who was blown up in the recent drone strike, supposedly made as retribution for the suicide bombing the day before? It could have been an ISIS-K leader, which is what we are told, or it could have been a couple of old men drinking tea.

The US intel agencies, according to Biden, said Kabul wouldn’t fall for six months to a year, if they were so wrong about that, why should anyone believe they know with certainty where one ISIS-K leader happened to be at any given time?

No doubt at some point in the next few months, the US will send some special forces units to Afghanistan to kill a bunch of people and Biden will claim those are the ones responsible for the bombing attack, but will we have any reason to believe him?

Keeping all these lies straight will take a sharper cookie than jumpin Joe Biden, therefore the handwriting is on the wall. Biden will have to go. But will Kamala be any better?

I’m still reporting from the soon-to-be-restored citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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