What the Heck is “Taking The Lord’s Name in Vain????”

2 years ago

You know the 10 Commandments in Exodus chapter 20 don’t come with a whole lot of commentary. This was done on purpose, so the little commentaries don’t distract from the big meaning.

But when it comes to a command like “don’t take the Lords name in vain, I think we need to re-examine what that means. We have to think about what exactly it means in the first place. What is this moral?

The Bible is always the same, but the oral tradition among people who love The Lord can vary. Our understanding can be mistaken. In the west, among all the churches and all the Christians, the oral tradition is that it just means don’t cuss and use the name of Jesus or God to cuss with.

But the Bible verse says that anybody who takes God’s name in vain will not have their sins forgiven. Damned. It’s like an unforgivable sin. I’m gonna say to you that we’ve misunderstood WHAT the third commandment is saying, and that it is exactly the same as the unforgivable sin that a particular group of Pharisees committed on a particular day in an argument with Jesus.

The Bible says “do not take the Lords name in vain, because the Lord will not hold him innocent (forgive his sins) who takes the Lords name in vain.”

Is God telling us never to ever cuss or else you’re going to be eternally damned?

….. or is God telling us to not publicly or privately claim and pretend to be a Christian “ to take the name of Christ” when you’re really an atheist or Satanist or an enemy mole inside the Crowd of all believers?

Or also, someone who was a Christian, and had taken the Lords name as part of the Lord‘s family, and then renounces him and disowns his faith? Not even someone who turns away from Jesus in this way and then comes back to Him later, even at the judgment seat, because then it’s not in vain. But actually the person who lives out the remainder of their life rejecting Jesus after once believing in Him, then it was in vain because that salvation choice is found empty in the end. Not someone who was a Christian then turn away from their face and then come back, but someone who was a Christian and turns away from their faith for the rest of their life to judgment day.

Deliberate rejection of belief in Christ, lifelong deception to pretend about salvation, acting as a false prophet, a satan servant, not playing but actually being the devils advocate, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing, infiltrating the church that you don’t believe in and living as an enemy to Christ for your whole life seems more like a sin that will get you eternally damned. Not so much cussing, bad though it is…

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