Tiger Shark Circles Divers In Australia

10 years ago

When we think of sharks, the first thing that comes to mind are their sharp teeth and beady eyes. These forces of nature can literally freeze the blood in our veins. Some of them are so notorious, they are known to be able to snap a human body in half. However, more gruesome than those instances are the shark corpses found in the ocean. If we think that sharks are dangerous, we need to think again because the dark waters are filled with forces to be reckoned with.

Despite their ill reputation, we can’t ignore the fact that sharks are a masterpiece. They have lithe bodies that are able to thread waters despite their weight. And if you think that they are slowed down by their built, think again. They are so fast that escaping them requires a certain amount of skill, and an enormous amount of luck. It’s only normal that we are afraid of them.

While on a breath hold spearfishing adventure to the Coral Sea in Australia, a young Spearo encountered a near critical and very exciting experience. A Tiger Shark rushes him and his dive buddy several times before they manage to hurl themselves into the boat. Many screams follow due to huge amounts of adrenalin, joy and excitement as Spearo's love this kind of experience and action! Let’s just say that no matter how exhilarating it might have been, it was too close for comfort!

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