Trump Can Be Elected Speaker on Jan. 3, 2023, 3607

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Former Libertarian Presidential candidate turned conservative commentator Wayne Allen Root suggested to President Donald Trump in an interview that Trump run for the House from Florida, get elected Speaker and impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Since the Speaker is next in line to be president after the Vice President, if both were removed from office that would make Trump president.
It’s an incredibly clever idea.
But here is a better one, instead of wasting his time running for a seat in the House of Representatives, Trump could spend his time helping Republicans all over the country get elected with a caveat that if Trump campaigned for them the Republican representatives would vote for Trump for Speaker.
The Article 1 Section 2 paragraph 5 of the US Constitution states, “The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.”
The Constitution doesn’t say the House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker from among their members or list any other conditions for the person they elect Speaker which means anyone who can get a majority of votes in the House can be Speaker.
Which means that anyone who can get enough votes in the House can be speaker.
Trump if elected speaker wouldn’t have a vote in the House, but he would have all the powers of the Speaker. The Speaker often doesn't vote anyway and if the Republicans win big in 2022 one more vote more or less of the 435 members of the House wouldn’t make much difference.
Imagine the Republican turn out in the 2022 election if it was announced that the Republicans planned to elect Trump Speaker if they took control of the House. Plus it is as close to a sure thing as is possible in politics that the Republicans will take control of both the House and the Senate in the 2022 election.
The party of the president almost always loses seats in both Houses of Congress in the first midterm election and the Democrats currently have no majority in the Senate which is split 50-50. The only way Democrats can get anything passed is with support of all 50 Democrats and the tie breaking vote cast by Vice President Harris.
The Democrats have a razor thin majority in the House of 219 to 211 with five vacancies.
When the Republicans win control of the House in 2022, impeaching Biden will not be difficult. Look at what the Democrats did to Trump, the House impeached him for making a phone call they didn’t like to the President of Ukraine and then impeached him for making a political speech that was no more or less fiery than dozens of other Trump speeches. During the speech some radicals from the left and the right started fighting with the few disorganized Capital Police officers protecting the Capitol. The timing of the attack which started during not after Trump’s speech was conveniently ignored by the Democrats in the House, the Democrats in the Senate and a few turncoat Republicans.
The sticking point to the whole bizarre scenario would be getting the votes in the Senate to remove Biden from office. But considering all of the evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop, if a real investigation of that information was ever launched they should be able to find enough evidence against Biden that would cause some Democrats to vote for self preservation and against their own president.
It is a wild and crazy idea, but who would think that you could transport hundreds of thousands of ballots across state lines on the night of an election and nobody would investigate.
Who would think that the Supreme Court would decide that pretty much no one on Earth had standing to challenge a presidential election, or that a state didn’t have standing to sue another state.
Who would think the entire country would be shut down and everyone would be required by law to wear masks because of a bat virus.
Things keep happening that no one ever imagined in their wildest dreams, which makes the possibility of Trump finding a back door to the White House in 2023, less crazy than a lot of what has already taken place.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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