ESO: Magicka Warden Frost-Mage One Skill Farming Spec

3 years ago

So I leveled up this warden just to try this awesome spec from #hacktheminotaur (shout out). One skill farming spec for magicka warden, frost mage, or ice mage, insane aoe.

I am not using Ysgramor+Sorrow, instead I am using Ice Furnace+Sorrow. I am getting way more damage with the 5 piece of Ice Furnace, I think it might better than 400 frost spell power then we get from Ysgramor. I tried both sets, should probably do a proper trial with dummies.

Ice Furnace 5 piece, "When you deal frost damage, you deal an additional 1867 Flame damage to all enemies within 8 meters around the initial target. This effect can occur once every ONE SECOND" LOL

The char has been 50 for literally 2 days, spell ranks are low and not all passives are unlocked (I can max this damage out more) gear is low and not optimized yet (divines hallooo) and I am still low CP.

Hack The Minotaur

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